pomegranate / 3921 posts
@winniebee: Ugh, it's so confusing! Fingers crossed for you, friend!!
persimmon / 1328 posts
@winniebee: I am 9-10 dpo now. With #1 I got a super faint positive on 9 dpo, so that is not helping with my POAS habit this time around. Luckily BFNs don't bother me too much yet because I know I am testing early.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@septca: Bleh, so I tested w/ FMU and the line was fainter! I'll go back to testing mid-day tomorrow and see what happens. We're keeping up BD EOD anyway so I'm not overly concerned... It would just be nice to know when we can stop & take a breather!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@snowjewelz: Hmmmm. It's hard for me to read much into your chart without CM marks... but I say you might want to test 2x/day once you start seeting WCM or EWCM. I have at least 2-3 days of that before I get a + OPK.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@septca: Hmm ok. I don't put CM b/c I'm not that great at telling them apart. I think I'm at creamy but it's like a wet creamy... I'm hoping it's soon!
@littlek: I'm CD20 today. My 1st cycle off BC was 27 days, 2nd cycle 31 days. So if I haven't ovulated yet, this cycle is def proving to be even longer!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@snowjewelz: I think TCOYF has some good descriptions, but for me, creamy is by far the most common and what you get for most of your cycle. It looks like watery lotion and is fairly opaque. WCM is almost like nothing - it's not "dry." but there is nothing there to note. EWCM is obvious - looks like an egg white (although it can be more opaque and white and/or yellow) and stretches more than an inch. I hope that was helpful and not just overly graphic.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@septca: Not at all! I actually was on a website that had pictures of the CM. I will try to patiently see if I get W or EW CM soon
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@snowjewelz: Also, total TMI, but EWCM is most obvious after a BM.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@septca: Haha I don't think there really is such a thing as TMI around here
That is interesting! I need to pay attention today then!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@snowjewelz: good god that must be SO maddening! I really hope you have ovulated or ovulate soon. CM is a great indicator. It helps to cross reference all of your signs together. How are you with temping? Do you usually get a shift? Temping internally helped me a lot when I used to temp. Good luck!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@MrsScallop: you proved early testing is worth it! With my first I waited til 12dpo on the lucky cycle. But tested early all the other months.
12dpo. Period due tomorrow. Tick tock.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@MrsMccarthy: By the looks of all signs I have not ovulated yet. CM seems to be creamy as of yesterday, I hadn't been good w/ temping thinking I can just catch surge w/ OPK but now I'm making sure I temp everyday! Sigh, I know my cycles still need time to regulate but I was hoping they would! Thank you for your kind words!
nectarine / 2028 posts
@snowjewelz: I want to second what @septca: said...the picture pages in TCOYF have awesome pics and descriptions that I absolutely relied on. I checked out my copy from the library and found reading it so invaluable that I bought my own copy to be able to reference and share with friends:-). Have you determined O each cycle post BC pills so far, or are you still figuring this out?
nectarine / 2028 posts
@septca: hey lady-how are you?? Did OPKs fade out yet? Are you officially TWWing?
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: I'm positive I O'd on CD18 last cycle (FF has crosshair & I didn't use OPK but the temp drop/rise + the fact that I got AF 2 weeks later made me more sure). The cycle before I wasn't doing anything but I def O'd earlier since my cycle was even shorter. I'm pretty sure I'm just ovulating late this cycle... I guess I'm on the look out for the EWCM now!
@winniebee: Oo! Excited for you to test! Fx!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: LOL. Certain negative today, so I am officially calling myself 2 DPO. I'll know for sure by my birthday, which will mean extra celebration or extra wine, either of which I will take!
How are you doing? Isn't your appt today?
honeydew / 7295 posts
@septca: yay cycle buddies! I'm 1DPO I think. I got a positive Opk in the morning but a negative by afternoon and it was very negative this morning. Here's hoping you get the birthday surprise of your life.
clementine / 899 posts
Temp dropped A LOT this AM, so pretty sure I am officially waiting for AF. I'm not upset, especially because it's only our 1st cycle actively TTC and I knew it was a long shot.. I'm more annoyed because DH's friends are practically begging him to go away at the end of the month and if AF arrives on time that will mean I will probably be O'ing on that exact weekend... Sigh.
pomegranate / 3921 posts
I'm feeling WAY less weird today than I felt yesterday...not as tired, no more cramps. My nips are still a little sensitive...but I have to touch them to be able to tell. They're not like hurting in my bra or anything. Honestly, I think my issues yesterday were more about adjusting to the time change than anything! Oh well, at least I'll know more next week. I'm just hoping that next cycle won't be as long for me! (I didn't ovulate until CD38!)
How's everyone else feeling today?
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@mfa_lady: I feel completely normal again today. Keep thinking my period has started but it hasn't. Cd 31 here. Bleh.
pomegranate / 3921 posts
@winniebee: I hope normal isn't a bad sign for you this time around! Remind me when your period is due?
pomegranate / 3921 posts
@winniebee: Oooh, girl. I feel good about this for you! Fingers crossed.
clementine / 933 posts
I've been reading along trying to catch up! Hoping for good things for all of you very soon!
@HellOnHeels: I hope you end up with a pleasant surprise!
@mfa_lady: Still hoping those were symptoms you were spotting!
@septca: I think I am going to totally revamp my OPK strategy for my next cycle based on your posts! If I'm going to the effort of Clomid, I don't want to miss my surge at all, so I'm thinking I'll try and test twice a day, with FMU and in the afternoon/evening. I also drink a ton of water, which I don't want to stop doing! So, I think twice/day is the way to go. Thanks for sharing your experience! Hoping your TWW flies by!
@winniebee: FX for you so much!!
Currently CD26 over here. I am still using OPKs, and while I never got an actual positive, I have noticed that they have faded over the last week or so. Still no stark negatives, either! Any other PCOS ladies out there with that experience? I feel like that is probably normal for (unmedicated) PCOS, but I don't know.
DH and I are going on a little "getaway" starting tomorrow afternoon, then I'll test the morning after we get home, then call my doctor on Monday if the test is negative and I still don't have a period. Moving forward feels good, but time seems to be crawling!
nectarine / 2079 posts
@HellOnHeels: Dang temp drop. Hope your husband makes the right choice.
@winniebee: Have you decided when you will test?
@mfa_lady: I also went through that. 4-5 dpo I was a mess, then 6-7dpo I felt normal for the most part. Today I'm just sad.
pomegranate / 3921 posts
@ABCmrs: Ooooh, girl! It sounds promising! I would LOOOOVE if my symptoms were really symptoms...haha, but that's TBD, I guess.
@Radish: Ack. I feel like I'm on that same schedule! Hugs to you, lady.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@ABCmrs: it kinda sounds like your body is gearing up to O and then not.
clementine / 933 posts
@littlek: That's my guess. Which is what my doctor says happens with PCOS, and is why little cysts form on my ovaries. But, it means by body is behaving regularly, even if it's not what I want I'm choosing to think positively, that with a little nudge on my next cycle, I'll actually O! Remind me of this positive thinking in a month, please!
clementine / 899 posts
@winniebee: go figure, eh...
@ABCmrs: thanks! Still no AF and I've been thinking that the last couple days I've been temping earlier then usual, so a part of me is hoping that's the reason...
@Radish: I've never been the type of wife to tell DH he can't do or go anywhere unless we have a specific event that we've confirmed for, so I think he was taken a back when I first mentioned it and told him he probably can't go. So I do feel bad, but at the same time feel he should want to stay at home too... Ah well.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@ABCmrs: Do you temp? That's a good way to confirm ovulation. I personally struggle with temping because of my husbands work schedule.
clementine / 933 posts
@littlek: No, I don't. I'm afraid I would go overboard obsessing over it, so I haven't started. If I have to do more than 1 round of Clomid, I may decide to try it. But my doctor didn't mention it at all, and she did tell me to use OPKs (both for this cycle, and for my future medicated cycle), so I think I'll hold off for now. I'm hoping I won't need to!
nectarine / 2028 posts
@septca: Hey there-no, I don't have an appointment until the end of the month.....and this month is dragging by! Nothing going on so far really...I'm having headaches and dizziness, but the infamous nausea and sore boobs aren't here, which worries me. Sigh. Fingers crossed!
I love that your birthday will either be YAY BFP or Boo NO bfp but YAY WINE!
nectarine / 2079 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: With my LO I had no boob soreness and very mild early nausea (I honestly felt like it was more in my head). My whole pregnancy was really easy and mostly symptom free.
nectarine / 2028 posts
@Radish: Thank you so much for sharing that. Of course it would be AMAZING if I ended up having an easier pregnancy, but since all I have so far are some pee sticks and a qualitative blood test (and a lack of AF, I guess!), it's hard to believe it's happening. FX for you this month!
nectarine / 2028 posts
@HellOnHeels: FWIW, so far my biggest pregnancy "symptom" is no AF. FX that's the same thing for you!
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