I've always had problems with frequent headaches and the occasional migraine, but I've been able to manage until now. The past few months I've been in migraine hell and I'm not really sure what to do!

I've been seeing a neurologist. He originally gave me imitrex (50mg). It usually knocks out the migraine but it makes me feel really sick. I feel nauseous, sweaty, almost flu-like. I also feel messed up on it. I can't drive and my brain feels like sludge.

Then he gave me naratriptan. I don't feel sick, but it takes longer to kick in, and I have to wait 4 hours to take another dose if I need one (imitrex I have to wait 2 hours).

Anyway, the frequency in which I'm getting these is brutal. Something needs to give. I'm missing work and I can't function like this. I'm constantly terrified that I'm about to get one. My neuro has prescribed a preventative medication but it makes me nervous to take something like this for the rest of my life. Does anyone here take preventative medication for migraines? Are you happy with it? Do you have a pain management medication I haven't named that you like better? I'd like to look into chiropractic options and possibly acupuncture also. I've had my eyes checked and had an MRI - everything came back normal.