Two of my good friends are what I refer to as mommy bullies. They are great friends but unfortunately the type of moms who think their way is best and can be condescending and pushy if you don't agree. I think their hearts are in the right place but quite frankly I find their pushy ways annoying and their condescension borderline hurtful. In the past I have had to avidly defend my right to take birthing classes, convince them at length that yes I could really feel my baby kicking earlier than the average joe and stand up for the fact that I don't want a slew of people waiting anxiously outside the delivery room. It can at times be exhausting.
My problem now stems from the fact that they have insisted on throwing a baby shower for me. I am not one to love having attention called to me and think it is very kind of them to do this. In addition they have been nice enough to extend the invite to family and friends they don't even know since no one else has offered to throw me a shower. I think this is incredibly sweet and want to be as gracious as possible, however, my friends are insisting that I register at certain places ASAP and submit my registry to them for their scrutiny on what I did wrong or may have missed.
I have done extensive research and feel confident that the products and options we have chosen will work well for us and don't really want them to pick apart what I worked so hard on. This is causing me can I tactfully put these ladies in their place without being hurtful to friends who are doing something nice but quite frankly being a little too pushy?