I think the title is pretty self explanatory, in december i gave birth to the sweetest little boy. He is now almost 7 months and honestly, for as much as i love him 'now' our first 5 months together were hell. He cried 80% of the time he was awake, many dr.s appointments to rule out anything sinister (which there wasn't thankfully!) just the regular old "your son has colic and will outgrow it" and at the time i wanted to cry because it felt like it would never end, and you know what it did and life is really good.

We had always wanted out kids to be about 2 years apart, so trying to TTC in jan, feb was our plan but.... now i am getting really anxious. What if we had another bean?! What if we got that unlucky that we got second child with colic.

Then i think to myself, well we've been through it once, we know it ends, it would be super hard but we know we can get through it and i know its worth it.

I'm just looking for some support or maybe stories (good or bad honesty is a good policy) about moms who made the choice to TTC after having a child with colic.