WE have the motorola MBP36 monitor (not the new one - 36S) and really like it but the parent unit has become increasingly more difficult to charge, I would have to twist the charger in various configurations to get a charge. However, I could always make it work but last night it up and quit! It will not charge at all and now it's dead which makes me very sad that I can't see LO I really feel like the problem is with the unit and not the cord, and a replacement cord isn't that cheap to try out ($12). Anyone have this issue?
I thought about getting a new monitor and then at least having our camera to use for future LO2, but the old cameras are of course not compatible with the new units. Bah. And amazon reviews show that the new version has charging issues too.
Any video baby monitor recs?? I want it to be able to pan, have a parent unit with constant audio (so while I love our dropcams, they won't work), and show temp.