I wanted to write a post, for me and for others, about my labor induction. I think it will make me feel better by writing about it and I know if anyone else has to go through what I did, then maybe they can read this and it will ease some fears they might have about labor induction.
We went in to our 20 wk appt and were hoping to find out the sex of our baby. Unfortunately, we found out that there was no heartbeat. This was at 10:00 a.m Wednesday morning. By 5 p.m. I was at our local hospital and admitted into labor and delivery. I was greeted by the nurses, one who is a mom of two of my students, and taken back to our rooms. The nurses were so sweet and hugged us as we got there. I am sure it's hard to know they are going to be helping someone deliver a baby that is stillborn. It's just a sad process for everyone.
They started an IV, which took them three times to do, and then they placed these tablets on my cervix. I can't remember what the tablets were called. I started to get cramps that were like menstrual cramps. By 11 p.m, they were not comfortable at all and I asked for some pain medication. I got some Demerol and it helped a little bit. They put more tablets on my cervix every 4 hours. By the 2nd dose, I was wanting more pain meds, but i had to wait a little bit. I got a full dose of Demerol around 2 a.m. and was finally able to get some sleep and rest. By 3:30 a.m., my water broke on its own. My nurse told me that I should tell her when things start to feel different, if I feel more pressure. It didn't take long before I felt contractions and they were about 30 seconds apart. My doctor arrived and with just a couple of pushes, I delivered our baby girl. I didn't have to dialate to the full 10 cm because the baby was so small, but I did have to dialate some.
Having not delivered before, I was fearful of the entire process, especially since my first one was going to end in heartache. It did help with my grieving process and I do feel like I am a mom because I went through process. I know that I won't fear my next delivery as much because I know more of what I will go through. However, my next pregnancy will probably be frought with worry.
I'm amazed by how many people in my community have gone through the same thing. No one seems to want to talk about it until they know you have gone through the tragedy yourself.