Hellobee Boards


My husband and I can't agree on circumcision

  1. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    I didn't read all of the responses so forgive me if this is a repeated idea. My husband was surprised to learn from the nurses at our birth center (admittedly a slightly different demographic than a regular hospital) and our pediatrician at an interview to learn that the decline in circumcision is significant. I wonder if making an appointment to chat with your future pediatrician or some other knowledgable third party might help. Good luck!

  2. Ocean girl

    kiwi / 637 posts

    Something that could be helpful in swaying your DH to your side is to further explore what complications can arise from the circ... I know they are rare, but they do happen and can require further procedures to repair. If you have access to a pediatric urologist, they could tell you what they have seen and have had to repair as a result of botched circs...

  3. wonderstruck

    pomegranate / 3791 posts

    I was also against and my DH for was for it. In the end I left this decision up to him - there were many many other decisions that he let me make, and generally he's fine with whatever I decide. But this particular was very very important to him - for whatever reason, it was really going to bother him to not have his son 'look like him' down there. That's not something I can understand, probably since I don't have a penis, but he is entitled to his feelings on the subject and getting into a debate with him about whether he was right or wrong wasn't going to do any good. Frankly, I don't think most of the posts on here will be helpful because this isn't about whether or not HB users agree with you or not - it's about the fact that your DH doesn't, and if you've discussed it with the doctor I doubt anything an internet discussion board will say is going to sway him.

    So, it sounds like your DH's reasons basically involve cosmetics and likely his own insecurities about having a son who looks 'different,' and your reasons involve it being painful and not really necessary. And unfortunately this isn't an issue you can compromise on - someone's going to get their way and the other person isn't. I agree with a PP about discussing this again with a neutral third party - pediatrician, counselor, someone. But this won't be resolved by bashing each other's reasons, and I think it's important that both of you at least try to understand the other person's point of view so neither of you ends up feeling resentful about this.

  4. mrsbookworm

    pear / 1823 posts

    DH and I disagree on this issue as well. He wanted his son to be circumcised like him and I didn't see the need. However, he felt really strongly about it and since most of the time he defers to me on parenting decisions, I left this one to him. I figured he has more experience in this regard.

    It's tough. I think if you present all your research to your husband and talk to your pediatrician and it still doesn't change his mind, nothing will change it. There's really no way for you both to get what you want

  5. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    the op's question (or concern rather) was that she wasn't able to come to a decision in her relationship because each of them had a diff opinion (& both parents' reasons should be considered and respected equally). Her question was not "how do I convince my DH against his beliefs?"

    My answer is that both of you should research each other's viewpoints and maybe that'll help. Also, it could be a decision made for after the sex is determined too. I hope you BOTH can be happy with whatever decision you two come to. It isn't fair that people answer your concern with persuasion towards one side or the other. The bottom line is that both parents be 100% satisfied with the decision. I think lots of couples struggle with this

  6. mrbee

    admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts

    << @mrbee: I disagree. Especially considering the way the OP presented the topic . . . if it had simply been an inquiry about how to resolve the disagreement, I would not have mentioned crowd-sourcing. >>

    Just reread the thread, and don't see what you're seeing. I thought it was a pretty reasonable question.

  7. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @mrbee: I think the OP laid out the reasons why her husband is for circumcision and she is against and it paved the way for posters to give their opinions on the matter instead of explaining how they resolved the debate in their household. An example would be calling the OP's husband's reasons ridiculous.

  8. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    My DH felt very strongly for his side of it and I did not feel strongly either way. I felt like I wasn't going to do it if he didn't care either way, but I didn't feel strongly against it. Since it mattered to DH so much, I went along with him.

    I make/made so many choices for my kids. Once in a while I don't mind letting DH make a big decision.

  9. mrbee

    admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts

    @swedishfish: it seems ok to me to describe a disagreement when asking how to resolve it.

    I have some growing concerns around what I've been feeling is the changing tone of the boards. I'll address this in a separate thread...

  10. MsLipGloss

    GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts

    @swedishfish: exactly.

  11. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @mrbee: I don't think there's anything wrong with that either usually but circ vs. anti circ is a hugely controversial issue. I'm not really sure what you mean by changing tones on the boards....I feel like I'm being singled out by that. Did I do something wrong?

  12. mrbee

    admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts

    @swedishfish: definitely not singling anyone out - sorry! It's just a general concern I've been having lately. I will post about it soon!

  13. Applesandbananas

    pomegranate / 3845 posts

    My DH felt strongly and I felt like I couldn't/didn't/wouldn't understand since I don't have a penis so I deferred to him. It didn't feel fair to me to override DH's decision on something I really would never experience. I could research until I was blue in the face, but no amount of research would ever grow me a penis.

    We are both happy with the outcome. It may not be the best way to resolve the disagreement, but it worked well for our family.

    Good luck

  14. Mrs. Oyster

    blogger / apricot / 427 posts

    DH was also strongly for it (similar reasons as to what you stated) and I was strongly against. After hearing his reasoning and explaining my own (mostly information that has already been mentioned here or can easily be found doing research online), I asked him to look into some research about it and then see how he felt.
    After doing his own research and "soul-searching," I guess, he decided he was no longer interested in the procedure.
    Is there a chance, down the line, that we'll regret making the decision we made? Sure. I guess that could go either way though. I'm very happy with our decision and I'm glad we were able to come to a decision we both felt good about, in the end.

  15. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    Good luck! I deferred to Dh for both boys as he has the equipment and I don't. Also like other posters have noted Dh leaves a lot of decisions to me. I should note that I didn't have a strong opinion either way.

    I hope you both come a decision soon.

  16. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    This is so hard. I allowed my husband to make this decision for us because I didn't really know what it truly entailed or how i felt about it and he chose to have him curcumscised for the same reasons you mentioned. I do not judge anyone who chooses to curcumscise but I personally regret it. I was in the room because I felt I couldn't leave my baby and it was horrible in my experience. I seriously hope we do not have an issue if we have another boy because. I will dig my heels in against it. Good luck and remember no matter what you do you are wonderful parents who are trying to make a hard choice and do what is best for your child. Hugs.

  17. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    We disagreed about this but I ended up deferring to him for similar reasons to others. He felt very strongly about it and I felt like it was an decision that I just couldn't completely understand but trusted him. If it were 100% my call I wouldn't have done it but it wasn't and I don't regret it either.

  18. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    I agree with @lawbee11:, I don't think this will be a big deal for your son in the end, either way. We were in a similar situation - team green, I was opposed (though not strongly), he was very much in favor. In the end, I did defer to him because it wasn't something I wanted to fight over.

  19. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    We didn't circumcise, and agreed about it, so that's where I'm coming from.

    In general I think if one partner wants to take a permanent, non-urgent action and the other isn't comfortable with it, we shouldn't do it, or should at least postpone it. To me circumcision fits that category.

    Beyond that, our kids will all be teased for one thing or another, guaranteed. If the worst he faces is some taunting from culturally illiterate locker room kids, he'll be lucky. And pretty sure he'll be able to handle it.

    Also pretty much guaranteed that your son will have a different penis than his father, foreskin or not.

    So basically I think DH's arguments don't hold water. For something so painful and permanent, there should be some compelling reason, in my opinion. "Because I wanna" doesn't cut it.

  20. lemondrop

    bananas / 9118 posts

    @lizzywiz: This!!

    My husband had so few things he felt strongly about during the pregnancy but this was one of them. I had no preference, so after his research about it, I was fine with his decision.

    We each watched the procedure with one of our sons, it really wasn't a big deal and we have no regrets.

  21. wonderstruck

    pomegranate / 3791 posts

    @swedishfish: For what it's worth I completely agree, I also felt it was phrased in a way that made it all too easy for people to jump on OP's DH's reasons when clearly the issue here isn't whether he is right or wrong (really, there's no such thing when it comes to this debate, it's a personal choice/opinion), the issue is how to come to an agreement. Bashing her DH's reasons will do nothing but make him feel defensive, they've clearly already discussed these points and it's not getting them anywhere.

  22. Skadi

    apricot / 456 posts

    Here's how we handle disagreements in our relationship. If the decision involves doing something that cannot be un-done, then both parents have to agree to it. If one parent doesn't feel comfortable doing it, then by default, we don't do it. It's kind of a fail safe.

    You can always choose to circumcise later. Your son may himself decide to do it in his teens or as an adult. But if you circumcise him now, it's something that can never be changed--and as you've probably already found in your research, circumcision carries with it the risk of infection or even (in rare cases) death if his blood doesn't clot properly. With something that major, I think it's always safer to err on the side of caution.

  23. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    I go with the idea that the person in the relationship with a penis gets final word on penis decisions for our child.

  24. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: same.

  25. beesknees

    cherry / 115 posts

    We were team green on #2.

    In the event of a boy we did our research ahead of time. at the beginning husband was pro. I told him I would give his side more weight in the matter but my only thing was we wouldn't do it unless he had some strong reasoning for it. And not his original reason of "well isn't that what you do". We read up - talked to OB and Pediatrician and ultimately did not do it. We did have a boy and I am so glad we had those discussions before hand and were able to enjoy new baby instead of intense research and discussions those first few days.

  26. caitlanc

    cherry / 156 posts

    My husband and I had the same disagreement. (Same sides, same arguments) We circumcised our son because I decided that when it came down to it, he's the one with a penis. I don't want men making decisions about my body, I know DH has our son's health and welfare in mind and only wants the best for him, same as me, so I agreed to it. (No regrets and we're 18 months in.)

  27. meganmp

    persimmon / 1420 posts

    @caitlanc: I love your reasoning!

  28. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @night cheese: since you are both at a stand still. Is finding the gender an option? It might nullify the necessity of this argument. For now.

    Fwiw I have to agree with pp that it's a dangerous road to start on disregarding his opinion just because it's not the same as yours.
    I wouldn't presume to assume that he has not done his research or that he's not informed either. (just a general statement. Not directed at OP)

  29. loveisstrange

    pineapple / 12526 posts

    Im not going to touch the circ vs un-circ issue. However, when we have disagreements, we normally debate about it. Normally, if we find we cant agree then whoever has the bigger stake/it effects the most gets their way.

    For instance, my husband paid off my student loans, so he wanted me to finish my degree at my same university rather than transferring and risk losing credits. I didn't want to go back. In the end, he shelled out a lot of money to get me out of debt, so I conceded. In the end, I realized he was right and it's the responsible thing to do.

    And for the record, I would have let him decide on circumcision if we had had a boy. He has a penis, I don't. Im not saying that's for everyone, but that's what I would have done since I have no strong feelings either way.

  30. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    I also let my husband decide but I wanted to say I also did not care. It is a very low risk thing to have done as a baby and having it done vs not having it done health wise isn't that different now. So honestly it didn't bother me anyway what my husband wanted when it came down to it.

  31. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    My husband and I also kind of disagreed, in the sense that I had thought it was more important to him than it turned out to be. He is circed and I thought he would want his son to be as well. We were team green as well and my husband was insistent on not finding out the sex.

    When we were in the hospital and we asked about it, we were told that the procedure required general anesthesia, and they will not administer that to newborns. So, there really was no decision to be made and our son is not circed. He's 3.5 and it has caused him no issue so far.

  32. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @sorrycharlie: I really like everything you wrote, especially on your 1 week, 1 year, 5 years process!

  33. hotchildinthecity

    nectarine / 2272 posts

    @caitlanc: agree. My husband has the exact same reasons the OP's husband does. I feel like men have very few vanity-type arguments for things, but this is one of them.

    We'll have quite the interesting case with this as we're adopting and I have absolutely no idea if our future son is circumcised. Doing it at an older age would definitely be an additional discussuon.

  34. caitlanc

    cherry / 156 posts

    @meganmp - Thanks. It took awhile to get there!

    @hotchildinthecity - Ooh. That does make it more interesting! I might have had a harder time letting go if the child was older. L's was done in the hospital at a little less than a day old. Before-baby I would have said my husband didn't feel THAT strongly about it that he would want to put his older child through it but now I wouldn't swear on it. Good luck coming to an agreement if that's the case.

  35. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    We haven't found out the gender of our baby yet but we're disagreeing to! DH wants circumcision, but his reasoning is that he isn't, and he thinks a man's life is more convenient if he is. My reasoning against is that DH is fine without it so why bother?! You just need to be a little better w/ the hygiene aspect, which you should anyway! So we will continue the debate once we find out gender for sure.

  36. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    After making sure my husband researched all of the pros and cons and knew all the facts I would defer to him on this one.


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