... and now she's working at our local "free store", where people drop off donations of clothes and home stuff. And as my therapist says, it's like an alcoholic working at a bar- and getting blackout every shift.
My mom's hoarding has gotten much worse in the past decade. (She's the perfect candidate for hoarding: she experienced the loss of her parents young, my eating-disordered sister has completely cut her out of her life, she drinks too much, etc.) If you walked into her house you would not instantly think "wow, hoarder!" but you'd be like "Holy shit, there's a lot of knickknacks and ... stuff in here!"
Apparently the volunteers are allowed/encouraged to take stuff home and we live in a very affluent community so most of the stuff gets tossed, but still. She's really out of control. In her house she has expired food, medications, comforters that fit no one's beds, tap shoes (?), bongo drums, daggers from WWI (?!!!), clothes for my niece that she never really sees, etc. It's so sad!
Nothing I have done has helped with her hoarding tendencies. She watches my kids occasionally and I am concerned about my youngest getting into stuff (though she has always watched my kids and there has never been one issue).
I am not a "thank her for what she brings over then donate" type of person. This is beyond that. I have a lot of anger and resentment. I wish she could just be a normal mom. I do not have the physical and emotional space for the crap she gives me. She equates objects with love and when I reject things I hurt her. I GET IT. I really do know hoarding is a complex trauma response to what she's been through. But it's ruining our relationship. She WILL NOT LISTEN to me when I ask her not to bring stuff over. That's why I know she's ill- she simply cannot stop offering me things. A lot of the time I take the stuff because it's nice stuff for my sons.
Sorry, this was quite the vent. It's been bad lately. My therapist is no help in terms of hoarding. Is there anything I can do? Is there like Hoarding Family Anonymous? Anyone else have a hoarder in the family?