She told me I couldn't put it on Facebook but I am soooo proud of her, I have to tell some people! She has never voted in her life despite her father, husband, and daughter (me) all being very interested in politics and urging her to participate in the opportunity of voting. She lives in a very blue state and always acted disinterested and/or as if her voice didn't matter. I had lost hope in convincing her to vote..... but today she told me she registered at 11pm the last day available for registration, and she's going to the polls on Tuesday!!! And she's voting for Hillary.... and hopefully blue all the way down the ballot. Yay I'm a social studies / civics teacher so I'm especially proud. Now I just have to re-try with my brother who lives in FL...
Any "bright" encouraging election stories for you lately? Any typical non-voters you know, choosing to vote this year?