Hi All. LO will be 4 months this week. The first few weeks were the first few weeks, and shortly after two months we really started to establish something that resembles routine, bedtime, etc and we got better at it as the days/weeks went on.

I have been struggling more recently as LO sleeps with a paci, and often needs me to jump up and get it back in for her, originally this was a non-issue, out of bed for two seconds, pop it in, and back to bed. I have become increasingly frustrated with her (and the paci) in recent weeks, but I am realizing now, that the problem is not her, nor the paci (though....I won't miss this phase passing!) it's me.

I used to be the best sleeper, hit the pillow and out cold, of course now with a baby I hear her the moment she needs be, but always had no issues getting back to sleep! The 30 seconds she needs me to put the paci in turns into 3 hours awake for me. I'm unfortunately not kidding. I was telling my boss about it and he said his wife had the same thing happen when their LO dropped a feeding during the day and says they think it just threw her hormones for a loop and eventually passed. I'm wondering if there could be truth to this as LO is now just nursing 4x a day (from 5), night sweats have returned.

I do have some other anxiety in life right now (bought a new house, just sold current one), but has anyone experience anything like this? Will MY good sleep habits come back to me? I am waking up like a miserable zombie and no one deserves to be around me when I am that miserable, and I don't want to get angry/resentful towards LO for it, when really it's my problem, not hers.
