The past week I had been having pretty regular contractions. They would get close at night and then space out about 10 minutes apart during the day.
On Wednesday night we started getting snow, my mom took my older girls just in case we needed to go to the hospital we wouldn't have to rop them off in the bad weather. No baby Wednesday night.
Thursday we keep shoveling through out the day. Schools are closed, roads are closed (we ended up getting 16 inches of snow). Just stuck at home, but still having regualar contractions. Finally Thursday night around 6pm things start to pick up. Contractions were about 5 minutes apart, but tolerable. We watched a movie and I got up to walk through contractions. At this point I was really starting to feel tired since I had been having contractions all day.
Around 10pm DH thought we should try to lay down for a bit. After one contraction, nope there was no way I was laying so we decided we would start our trek in to the hospital. Normally it takes about 30 mintues, but we were unsure how long it would take with the roads.
We made in about 45 mintues. We got to the hospital and I was almost sure they were going to say it was still pretty early in labor and send us to walk around. I got checked in triage, and I was already a 7. So off to L & D we go.
We got to my room and honestly with every contraction I felt like I had to go to the bathroom (I really did go every time I sat on the toilet, not pleasant at all). I broke down and got the epidural when we got there out of sheer fear that I would shit on the floor during contractions.
The epi went in fine and we rested for about 30 mintues when all of a sudden I fully felt my contractions again. My nurse came in and checked me and I was complete. My doctor came back in and we started pushing. Pushed through 3 contractions and Natalie Noelle was here! 6 lbs 14 o, and 20 inches long at 1:56 Friday morning
No tears at all. It was pretty much the perfect delivery. We had only been there exactly 2 hours when she was born. My doctor was great (he delivered my second DD too) and so were all of my nurses. We got home Saturday evening and everything has gone so well this time around!