We were sitting on the couch eating grapes and sweet potatoes when she climbed off and walked to the Christmas tree right beside us. I checked to see what she was up to and she bit through and broke the bulb of larger fake candle-type Christmas light. It was glass! I didn't even know it was glass! I assumed it was plastic since the candle part is plastic. Holy #^&%#!
I asked her to spit it out and she did. She had shards of glass in her mouth! She had one stuck under her lip and once I got that out, I went nuts and checked the rest of her mouth thoroughly. I'm not sure if she managed to swallow any
She seems fine and isn't fussy or crying. I Googled and it says to just be alert. I feel absolutely horrible! My husband isn't home because it's his Christmas party tonight. I made sure to buy felt and plastic ornaments and didn't even think about the actual lights! Ahhhhhhhhh! I'm about to superglue all the pieces to see if it's all there!