we registered for a less than 70 items, and the lady at BRU told us that we need 200. i cannot possibly imagine 130 more things i need. can y'all take a peek at my registry and let me know what you think? did i miss anything or does it look good?

a few quick notes:
-we already have the travel system--it was a gift from my mom.
-my mil is buying the nursery furniture (including mattress).
-i registered for one spare sheet, but i will be sewing a few crib sheets from fun fabric.
-i plan on bfing and possibly supplementing with formula after a few months.

here it is: http://www.toysrus.com/registry/link/index.jsp?overrideStore=TRUS&registryNumber=48866267

ps: i was totally against the diaper genie, but hubs would NOT LET IT GO. he kept begging for it. haha.