When DH and I got married we formed a compromise with our last names. I was not ready to give up my last name and felt it was unfair that I should be expected to take his last name. At the same time I liked us being a unit and wanted to respect DH's dream of his future wife taking his name. So my sweet hubby agreed to a compromise. If I took his last name as my last name he would take my last name as a second middle name. So both hubby and I have our first name/our middle names-my maiden name/ his last name. It is crazy but it works for us
Problem now is what to do for LO. Part of me feels like I want to give him the extra name so he is included in the tradition and the history and part of me feels it is mean to strap a kiddo down with that many names. I quite frankly don't have strong feelings either way so I would love to hear others opinions! Please let me know you reasoning too. Thanks ladies!