My 4 month old has a good nighttime routine, and has been sleeping through the night for a few weeks. The problem is he isn't a good napper. Naps at home turn into him just screaming the whole time until I pick him up. If we leave the house he will nap in the stroller or the carseat. We leave the house most days, so I do want him to still be able to nap on the go. For days that we don't leave the house, I want to be able to put him down for a nap though. How do I go about doing that without him just screaming the whole time? Also, how much should he be napping? He sleeps at night from 10:30pm to 7 or 7:30am. Wakes for a bottle then goes back to sleep until 9 or 9:30am. Then he is up for the day. There's days where if we don't leave the house he will only nap for about 45 minutes or so. It just doesn't seem normal! He clearly doesn't need a ton of sleep, but it seems like he needs more than he's getting.