Hello. My LO is 12 wks old and sleeps "ok" at night (avg 1-2 wake ups 6-7hr stretch of sleep). We have a good bedtime routine (bath, PJs, lullaby, feed). He falls asleep during his feed. We have no trouble transferring him to his bassinet. Naps on the other hand have been a struggle. I was "wearing" my baby for naps. For about 5 days now I have been nap training him (CIO with me sitting right next to his crib). Some days are better than others, but I've seen a lot of encouraging progress so far.
As a first time mom, I question everything I do and now I'm questioning if I'm going about sleep training the right way. Should I also night sleep train? I know that feeding him to sleep is not a good practice, but he stays asleep, so I am concerned that if I try to change this routine, he's night sleep may get bad. Any suggestions?

P.S I don't mind holding my LO for naps, but he will be starting daycare in three weeks. Im sure that they will not carry him for naps and I'm worried that he will be really tired. This is why I decided to nap train.