I've been trying to nap train DD2 for about a month and half. She's been pretty sick the past week so I put it on hold. Now that she's feeling better I want to start back up.
She'll be 7m on the 28th and I really do not want to hold her for all naps till she's over 1, like her big sister.
Drowsy but awake might as well be unicorns in this household. I try to get her to nap when she shows sleey signs. Sometime she fights it and sometimes she falls right asleep. Getting her to sleep in the crib is just a insane battle.
I also think she's transitiining from 3 to 2 naps. Some days it's 2 with a 5pm cat nap, some days it's just one!
How did you nap train your baby to nap in the crib?