My almost 1 year old has had some seriously messed up sleep for the past few days. Since he was about 9 months old he has had the same schedule: 11-12 hours at night (usually STTN), then 2 naps of 1.5-2 hours each. Great, right?

Usually any MOTN wake-ups are brief, but lately he's had a few MOTN wake-ups that were rough. He was crying really hard and he took a long time to go back to sleep. Then he will sleep late the next morning (like 9 am!) and throw off that day's nap schedule which pushes back nap time.

He goes down at bed time easily but occasionally he fights one of his naps, which makes me wonder if he doesn't need 2 naps. On Saturday he woke up late and we had to be somewhere at 11 so he skipped his morning nap and he was fine.

Yesterday his morning nap was long and the afternoon nap was shorter. Went to bed around 7:45 and woke up at 9pm hysterically crying. He would not calm down when I went in to comfort him. I tried leaving him to cry it out but he just kept crying on an off for over an hour. He finally stopped when I gave in and brought him out of his room. He burned off some energy and went back to sleep in his crib 30 minutes later.

Today I woke him at 8 am because he's normally up by 7:30. The nanny woke him from his morning nap (with my permission) cause it was going late. Apparently he only took a 30 minute nap this afternoon and was hysterically crying wanting to get out of his crib.

I know he just started a Wonder Week. I know he's a little young for a nap transition, and I know his normal schedule is all screwed up. I just can't figure out what's wrong! I'm tempted to try him on a one nap schedule because my efforts to keep him on a 2 nap schedule are not currently working. Any suggestions?