I wasn't quite sure where to put this. Please help me figure out how to get my LO (or at least her caregivers!) on a reasonable schedule/routine. I have a couple of other related questions that I'm throwing in there too.

LO starts day care in a week (and I go back to work). She'll be 14 weeks. I'm supposed to provide a napping and feeding schedule which has got me all sorts of stressed out. She'll be in day care 2 days a week, and cared for by family 3 days a week (me, dad and grandma will each have a day at our home). I figure this is an opportunity to have a bit of structure that's consistent among her caregivers. (I don't need it to be a strict rule that she follows it, just hoping it helps those who are taking care of her and keeps her happy.)

Currently I BF, and she takes a bottle of 2-3 oz maybe once a day. She sometimes fights it (mostly when it's her dad who gives it to her, not so much other family members.) She BFs/eats about every two hours (which is much more frequently than few weeks ago.) Her first feed is always at 6:30 am, last is always right before bed at 6:30/7:00 pm.

She STTN from about 6:30/7 - 6/6:30, but her daytime sleep is wonky - she catnaps, once in a while she takes a long morning nap, she sleeps in the car when we're out. She's not cranky or fussy during the day for the most part. I have just been figuring that I"m not going to worry about it since her night sleep is good, and she seems like a happy baby. I figured it would all sort of even out/consolidate as she gets older, but I realize daycare needs something more concrete to work with.

How do I figure out what her "schedule" is? For feeding, I was thinking of just splitting her day up into every two hours and sending 3 oz for each feeding, along with one extra bottle.

For sleep, should I just start by just coming up with a couple of times to try to put her down? She does usually sleep for 1-2 hours after her 6:30 feeding - she falls asleep right after. Other than that it's a crapshoot. I figure her day care will help me learn what's working and what's not working, and we can adjust as necessary.

Another thing - I was thinking of using a spiral notebook to loosely track her night sleep, daytime naps, feeds, and other notes - so that her caregivers could see how her week is going. Is this over the top? Daycare will give me a summary sheet each day of her feeds/naps. I was thinking we could track it for her other days as well, just to have a record to see if anything comes up. I previously tracked all her sleep and BFing but it made me a little crazy, and when I relaxed she started STTN!

Final question - we swaddled her for the first few months for naps and night time. SHe's still swaddled at night (in a Halo sleep sack with the velcro swaddle.) Daycare won't swaddle her. Should I get a regular sleep sack so that she has some feeling of being "wrapped up", and so that the sleep sack is consistent between her naps at daycare and at home. Daycare says that they prefer babies don't have sleep sacks so that "their bodies will learn to regulate temperature" but they'll use them if parents ask. I think it would be a good cue for her, but what do I know.

This is quite a long and rambling post - any help or recommendations for resources is appreciated!!I've searched the boards and have pieced together some good info, but thought I'd put this out there for anyone who's been there before.