So DS is 4 months old and a not-awesome napper. Until this week he wouldn't fall asleep unless he was in my arms nursing, he would only sleep for like MAYBE half an hour, and was a really light sleeper (as in: I shifted a tiny bit and he would wake up).

The past few days when I've put him down for tummy time he's whimpered for a few minutes and then fallen asleep. Yesterday he napped for 3 hours, which just blows my mind. But he's lying on the ground (on a blanket on a shag rug) on his stomach.

I feel like I should try to flip him onto his back but he naps SO MUCH BETTER on his stomach. I'm not particularly worried about him suffocating himself--his head is turned to the side and he has great head/neck control. (ETA: And I'm sitting a few feet away.) But am I encouraging super bad habits by letting him do this? He still sleeps on his back, although he rolls over onto his side a lot.