E likes to stand up in the bathtub. We have a non-slip mat thing down in there (the alligator one), but he stepped off of it and slipped before I could grab him. Face down into the water. He was under for a few seconds (literally like 2 seconds) before I fished him out. Naturally he was screaming, so I picked him up, thinking he was just shocked.

And then I noticed blood on his arm and my heart stopped. I thought he'd hit his head on something, then realized it was coming from his mouth and thought he'd knocked out a tooth. Thankfully it just looks like he bit his tongue when he went down.

He nursed and was happy the last 15 minutes before bed. And pooped on the floor, but that's a whole other post.

My heart is still pounding. I don't know how to handle him getting hurt. I was outwardly very calm and soothing to him while I figured out what was going on, but inside I was terrified.

How do you balance acceptance that your LO will get hurt with a burning need to protect them from everything?