I'm a FTM, had my baby boy 5 days ago by planned c-section. I'm committed to breastfeeding and it seems to be going ok. I've already seen a few lactation consultants and gotten some support. My nipples are already sore and cracked but hopefully on the mend (improper latching the first couple days messed me up) and baby gets sleepy during feeding but eventually latches ok. So, objectively I know I'm in decent shape but I am already losing my patience with it. I hate the pain and I hate the stress of forcing him to latch, getting and keeping him in the right position, womdering if he's doing it right, is he getting enough, having to keep waking him and guiding him, etc etc. And the ped wants me to wake to feed him every 2.5 hours during day and every 3 hours at night. I dread every feeding. I'm NOT going to quit and I know this is all normal stuff, but just need reassurance that it will get easier and more importantly that it's worth it.