DS is 22 months and for the past few weeks he's been telling us when he needs to poop. *Most* of the time he does poop within about 5 minutes of telling us. He also tells us regularly when he has pooped, although it's not true all of the time, lol.

We've tried taking him to use the potty when he tells us, but so far he hasn't actually gone in it. We've tried both the big potty and a little potty. I think maybe he gets scared of the big potty, and I think sometimes he just decides he wants to play with the flush or both of them.

We are not actively trying to potty train, but we are trying to follow his lead. He does not tell us when he has to pee, except sometimes when's doing in the bath tub (awesome, right?).

Anyways, I'm not sure if anyone has any suggestions. Should we keep putting him on the potty when he says he has to poop? Is this a sign that he is close to be ready for full on potty training? I feel like he's still pretty young, but 2 mornings this week he's told me had to poop and then did right away. And then as we were leaving today he went in the bathroom and said he wanted to pee pee in the potty.