You guys, my 19m is showing all the signs of being ready for potty training. About half the mornings she wakes up dry and will tell us 65% of the mornings that she needs to go pee pee. The other 35% of the time we take her and she will pee pee in the potty. At daycare they will take her if she asks or put her on the potty during diaper change. She pees at least once a day in the potty at daycare. Sunday we were at someone else's house and she told me she had to go potty, and did! Just now, during bedtime she told me she had to go potty and pooped on the toilet! This is probably the 3rd time she's told us she needs to poop and actually does go in the toilet!

I feel like she is so ready and we should be actively taking her more often. She has her 18m appointment in a few days and I'll ask her pediatrician. But I've heard some negative stories about potty training early. Like more accidents in the long run?

Anyone have negative or positive stories to share about potty training early?