DH and I have a wedding to go to tomorrow night and I am super nervous about leaving LO. My inlaws are coming over to watch him and I trust them completely, but LO is almost 11 months and has some crazy stranger anxiety. He cries every time someone other than me or DH tries to hold him, even our families that we see regularly. We have left him with my in laws for a few hours at a time a few times before, but he is always so upset about it. This will be the longest we have left him and I am so nervous about how he'll do. The ceremony starts at 4:30 and DS usually goes to bed at 6. The plan for now is to come home after the ceremony so I can nurse him (he won't take a bottle, which makes this more complicated) and do his normal bed time routine and then go to the reception after. He usually goes to bed without any problems, but I'm so worried that he'll cry the entire time we're gone prior to bed time and then be too worked up to go to sleep! Any tips on how to make this easier for him? (and me!)