Hi guys! I am new to Hellobee and hoping for insight on something I am really, really struggling with. After waiting years for a baby, my husband and I just adopted our infant son in December. We are so in love with him and so happy to finally be parents. I have been on maternity leave for the past few months and will be returning to work next week when he is 12 weeks old.
At the time of his adoption, everything happened extremely quickly. We basically dropped everything to travel out of state when we got the call that he had been born. As someone who is very type A, it was hard for me to just leave work one seemingly normal day and then not return for several months. Prior to my son's birth, I was extremely career oriented and really devoted a lot of time and mental space to my job, so it felt super weird at first to completely disconnect. My company prevents access to email during leave, so that was ultimately a huge blessing as it allowed me to focus solely on bonding with my son. I have LOVED being on maternity leave and have surprised myself by thinking very little about work until now.
Here's where the guilt comes in..... although I will miss my baby and will so miss having long, lazy days with him, part of me is really excited to return to work now that it is only about a week away. However, whenever I tell anyone I'm about to go back, they are super sympathetic and go on and on about how much I'll cry, how hard it will be, etc. I agree and nod my head, while secretly feeling like a liar and a crappy mom because I don't think I'll cry. I feel SO guilty that I am not dreading going back and that I'm actually looking forward to it a bit. Is something wrong with me or did anyone else feel this way? I should add that his dad and grandma will provide child care during the week, so I know he will be taken care of by people who love him. Sorry for the rambling post, I guess I'm just looking for some reassurance that I'm not the only mom who didn't mourn the end of her maternity leave.