Has anybody used a newborn cloth diaper rental service/package before?
Here's an example: http://www.sweetbottomsbaby.com/Organic-Diaper-Rental-Return-for-100-Store-Credit_p_14.html
How did it go for you? At tips or advice?
Has anybody used a newborn cloth diaper rental service/package before?
Here's an example: http://www.sweetbottomsbaby.com/Organic-Diaper-Rental-Return-for-100-Store-Credit_p_14.html
How did it go for you? At tips or advice?
honeydew / 7444 posts
I haven't, but that's kind of expensive, especially since it's not a real service as they aren't cleaning the diapers.
I paid about $100 (maybe?) for 12 NB prefolds and 8 NB fitteds, and 2 NB covers. I had 8 flip covers from a friend. I wonder if it would be cheaper to buy and then sell afterwards, especially if you are thinking of having a second/third baby? I guess it works out okay if you are planning on buying from that store. It's too bad you're not getting money back instead of a store credit.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@caffeinated: Our rental place is $55 for 8 weeks.. an extra $30 for 4 more weeks. I think that's for 24 diapers. BumGenius AIOs. I think if we were open to prefolds that might make sense, but we're trying to make this as easy as possible for newborn stage
apricot / 373 posts
We were going to do a newborn rental, but it actually worked out better (and slightly cheaper) in the long run to just buy a combo of new and used diapers. We are planning on having two kids, and I wanted the freedom to pick and choose which diapers to try. Plus, we could always resell any diapers that we don't use or like.
For the infant stage, we ended up with 12 infant prefolds, 4 kissaluvs size 0s, 4 thirsties size 1 covers, 6 flips (which will work longer), 7 bum genius newborn AIOs, 1 rumparooz pocket, 1 swaddlebees newborn simplex. All of that was around 200 bucks with tax and shipping.
honeydew / 7444 posts
@JoJoGirl: Ooh, that's a pretty good deal! Are they NB BGs? I know some people have problems with getting the right fit for NBs and experience some leaking. We used NB kissaluvs fitteds and i absolutely loved them. I have to admit, i did not like prefolds at the NB stage and prefer them now that LO is a lot older!
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
I'm renting from twin city diaper. I'm doing two months of bum genius ones.
blogger / nectarine / 2010 posts
I considered it, but then just used the disposables that I got from the hospital (they lasted for 3 weeks) and went right to BG 4.0 at 3 weeks. They fit just fine on the lowest rise settings.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@caffeinated: Yep NB BGs. Bummer about the leaking though!! Like @blackbird it's also twin city.
pomegranate / 3452 posts
For us, the convenience of getting this package instead of sourcing our own cheaper diapers was worth it, and we'll definitely use the $100 credit, too.
I'm just excited because the fitted covers are so dang cute!!
pineapple / 12053 posts
We did it through earthy crunchy mama with the BG nb aios and we liked it but had problems with leaking. I didn't do a ton if research on the nb diapers but we had the BG 4.0s so I wanted to keep it simple. We went to our stash as soon as I realized she hit 9.5 lbs at 3.5 weeks. If I had to do it again, I would probably do disposables for the newborn period since nb diapers aren't too pricey and she wasn't in the rental very long.
GOLD / apricot / 315 posts
I did a newborn rental package of the fitted Kissaluvs with my son. It felt worth it at the time, especially because I wasn't sure how committed I was to cd'ing. It was from a local store, which I also liked being able to support.
This time though, I bought a bunch of second-hand newborn AIOs. Even though it was a bit more of a financial outlay, I was more confident about what I would like. Plus I'm more familiar with the whole cloth diapering community in general, so if we don't end up having another, I'm pretty confident I can get most of the money back.
GOLD / pear / 1845 posts
No, I use Applecheeks and they fit well at the newborn stage
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