I just got back from my postpartum checkup at the OB. Afterwards he asked about my plans for birth control and I admitted to him that I wasn't sure. I lamented about the troubles I've had with hormonal birth control (I've tried several different pills and one made me so nauseous I couldn't keep them down, one made me super anxious, the other super depressed, no sex drive, etc - bah). I've been reading about NFP and asked him about it, but he said it wasn't nearly as effective and should only be used if I don't mind getting pregnant again. Then I mentioned the woman I spoke to at the WIC office when I was looking for a breast pump said that, as long as I meet the requirements, I could use breastfeeding as a form of birth control until LO starts on solids. But he shot that down, too, saying that breastfeeding isn't birth control and he sees lots of women come in pregnant while still breastfeeding because of this notion.

I sort of just sat there with a say-it-isn't-so look on my face and was like, "Well, then, what should I do?"

So he prescribed me progestin only pills until I'm done breastfeeding then says we can go from there. I'm hesitant to get this script filled - what if it makes me all nutty like the other pills did?

I dunno what I'm looking for here - any advice or anecdotes would be welcomed