Hi! I've followed these boards for the last couple years and have seen so much helpful advice from you ladies. I'm curious if anyone here has been in a similar position, and if so, what you did?

Our nine month old daughter has developed a relatively flat head (brachycephaly). We started noticing it when she was about four months old, and our pediatrician encouraged us to wait and see how it rounded out as she grew and spent more time upright. We had similar advice at her six month checkup.

At her nine month visit last week though, her doctor encouraged us to take her for an evaluation for a cranial helmet since she didn't feel like her head was rounding out as much as she'd expect on its own. From a profile view, her head has rounded better - it's really more from a top-down view that it looks wider/flatter than is "normal" in the back.

We went for the evaluation for the helmet yesterday and (as I expected), they recommended we get one. The therapist did acknowledge that we were on the "older" end of when helmets are as effective for babies, but still felt like it would be worthwhile. My husband and I are on the fence about it. I'm not sure yet if insurance would cover the helmet. I'm waiting to hear back about that early next week.

If you started treatment for flat head with an "older" baby, was it effective? Do you feel like it was worth it? How did your child handle it? If you were in a similar boat and decided not to the helmet route, how has that played out?