I've been struggling with making myself eat since LO was born. I have zero appetite or motivation to eat anything. I have days where I eat next to nothing. For example, yesterday I had 2 poptarts. Thats it. The day before, I had some Skittles and a sandwich. It's not that I don't get hungry, because I do, it's just that I have no motivation to eat. LO will be napping and I'll have time but I usually choose to just lay on the couch.

I'm reasonably sure that this is a side effect of my PPD, but I'm in a bad situation where I will not be able to get help for it in the near future. I'm making myself sick and I don't know what to do. It's gotten to the point where I have constant headaches and diarrhea from it. I've been trying to at least keep myself hydrated but I find even that a chore.

This is not how I intended to loose the pregnancy weight. I don't know what to do...