What does your toddler do on non-preschool days when you can't leave the house because the baby is still taking a morning nap? Do you plan stuff for at home? Or do you just drag the baby to activities anyway and hope she sleeps in the car? When the toddler was a baby we just got out during the time he was awake and it wasn't an issue...but if we wait to go out after the morning nap we will have missed all the fun toddler-friendly activities that are offered in our area.
This is making me wish I could sign him up for more than 2 days of preschool...Any suggestions?
Also, has anyone ever signed their kid up for two different 2 day preschools so they can go 4 days? This sounds ridiculous but I am almost considering it! We don't have any programs near us that have more days per week for his age, but he would have so much more fun playing with kids 4 days a week than being stuck at home where I have to try to keep him quiet so the baby can sleep.
Any magical solutions?!