Does anyone else have a child who screeches, grunts, squeals, and makes other loud noises when very excited, even though they are perfectly capable of talking?
LO is 3.5 and has an excellent vocabulary, speaks in full sentences, etc. But when he is excited he completely stops talking and just makes non-verbal noises instead. I don't know if he is trying to baby-talk like his 21 month old sister, or if he is too excited to form sentences, or if there is something to be concerned about here?
I think the oddest time he does this is when he meets a stranger. When we are out in public, often he cannot make sentences to talk to new people, he just squeals at them instead. If I prompt him with a sentence, he will sometimes repeat it, but sometimes just continues with the babbling.
We worked with an OT this summer for some sensory processing issues...I am wondering if I should give her a call or if this is normal development?