My husband and I know how we want to live our lives. We understand what we want and we know what we need to do to get there. The problem is maintaining the confidence to assert these choices when pressured by my husbands family.

My in-laws live a lifestyle much different than we do. They live in the suburbs and live an average life style where "keeping up with the Jones'" is normal. We farm, can our own food and are very self sufficient. When we have children, we want to cloth diaper and home school and live life in a simple way.

What we haven't learned how to do is say "thank you for your opinion" and then to get on with our life when they disagree with our lifestyle choices. After those comments we tend to think about the situation too much and get angry that our family doesn't accept us and our choices. It's tough and it creates future tension in our family.

How did you learn to let criticism roll off your back?