I left FL for NJ on Friday bc my sister unexpectedly came home from Armenia for a short time. LO (16 ish weeks) came with me- just us two as DH had to work. She's always been gassy- more and more- so Tues or Wednesday we got her Dr Browns bottles. She finally wasn't collapsing nipples! But I didn't really see an improvement in her gas. (She's on Similac - just the regular kind.) her 4 month appt is Wednesday so I planned to ask about it. Meanwhile while we are in NJ, she seems to be worse. Lots of gas and spit up. I assumed it might be because I have to make and shake the bottles (at home we use dr browns pitcher to gently mix and then have a bottle warmer- my mom has neither.) We gave her prepared formula though (the kind you buy liquid already) and while she seemed maybe less gassy, she still had a lot of spit up. She has gotten grumpier each day we are here. Her (very rough) schedule is off a little since being here but she is still getting the same amount of sleep/food. She's been teething (some days are worse than others) so I don't know if that is contributing. Her cheeks have gotten red while here (and the only time outside has been going to/from the car- very minimal.). Not sure if all this is teething related, formula related, her getting sick, or something else? How did you help your super gassy/spit up baby? I'm at my wits end and our flight back is tomorrow. I don't like seeing her upset and being so unable to help.