Part of my job is managing and coordinating college students in volunteering opportunities. I get asked a lot to write letter of recommendations or to be their references for scholarships, part time jobs, and after they graduate and enter the workforce. I enthusiastically write one for them bc these students voluntarily work hard and are dedicated.
Except this one guy..lets call him Bob. Bob worked for me for about 3 years. His dedication was shoddy and was one of those college students who did everything complaining. His attendance rate was very poor at about 65-70% (other students usually have about 95%). His excuses would be.. he was too tired to wake up, he had plans, and usually these texts would come in 5 minutes before he was supposed to be there. Many times he just would not show up.
He graduated this past May and the expectation is that he would still be in his role until July. From May to July, I saw him about twice with no real reasoning and no explanation. I just figured he moved on. Well over the weekend, I get two emails from a local school district in which Bob applied to asking for letter of recommendations and to fill out a survey. Bob hasn't contacted me about it to ask or anything.
Should I still fill it out and be honest of his performance? Ignore it?