Hellobee Boards


November 2016 POAS

  1. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    I posted this in the October POAS board.. but I'm just going to leave this here...


    I think i'm in stage 2

  2. Tionn3

    kiwi / 680 posts

    Got a positive opk this AM. Looks like I'll have another early cycle this month. I'm a little concerned though because it looks like my CM isn't EWCM anymore, it's either watery...or I'm just feeling regular moisture. So frustrating. We BD on Sunday but haven't since then. Was planning to BD tonight, hopefully that is still considered good timing.

  3. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Tionn3: I didn't really have obvious ewcm this month either. But did have lots of watery cm. I think it's just as good.

  4. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    Cycle Day: 7? I had surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy last Wednesday so I'm not sure how to count this cycle.
    TTC Cycle: 3
    Ovulation Date: I'm guessing somewhere around Nov 14. I've always had longer cycles and with the ectopic I'm not sure what it will look like this month.
    POAS Date: Nov 28
    Baby #: 2
    What's up this month: Getting back to "normal" after surgery and focusing on losing the weight I put on over the past 6 weeks.
    For Fun: What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Ham, potatoes, gravy... Everything!

  5. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @Banana330: lol thats great!

  6. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Banana330: hahah so funny! I'm just waiting for this stupid period to end.

    @Tionn3: watery is fertile CM too!! Do you check your cervix? Is it high/soft? Also you could get EWCm tomorrow. Either way, get busy!!!!

  7. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @mrskansas: Welcome sorry for your loss. Hopefully your cycle won't take too long to regulate.

  8. Tionn3

    kiwi / 680 posts

    @Mrs. J: I had EWCM on CD 7-9 and then Watery on CD 10 CD11. I checked for CM today and it was pretty creamy (I checked first thing in AM so maybe I was dehydrated) =/ but I also got my positive OPK today. I've tried checking for my cervix height and it seemed pretty high yesterday, but today It seems the same I guess.

  9. Tionn3

    kiwi / 680 posts

    @mrskansas: So sorry for your loss =[ Sending healing thoughts your way.

    Here is the updated list.
    11/1 - Cole
    11/5 - Peachykeen
    11/6 - Banana330, Snarkybiochemist
    11/10 – Tionn3
    11/11 - Coddergirl
    11/13 - Periwinklebee
    11/16 – JHD
    11/19 – Mzpumpkin, Petitduck, Mrs. J
    11/28 - Mrskansas

  10. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Tionn3: I actually read today that your fertile CM can dry up a bit around O. I had super watery CM mid week last week but didn't O until monday this week.


  11. Tionn3

    kiwi / 680 posts

    @Banana330: Thanks that was really helpful! I just checked again and it seems to be watery right now. I guess I just try to remind myself with CM that thin is fertile, because when CM is thin that means the sperm can move through it. I always get watery with creamy confused, and that rule helps. EWCM is much easier to identify, it is also confusing that watery is more fertile than EWCM. I just don't get that.

  12. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @mrskansas: Welcome! I'm sorry for your loss. I hope things get back to normal for you soon.

  13. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Tionn3: for reference, with DS2, I had the wackiest chart! I had ewcm and a positive opk earlier and then what I thought was a period with no CM on O day!

  14. Tionn3

    kiwi / 680 posts

    @Mrs. J: Thanks! That is encouraging.

    I feel so horrible updating you guys on my weird CM...but I just went to the bathroom and I found EWCM, a lot, and it was tinged with bright red blood, a really really tiny amount like, maybe 3 -4 drops from an eyedropper. I can't believe this has happened now two cycles in a row. In the last 3 years off the pill it has only happened to me 3 times, like once a year. I have to wonder if the acupuncture is causing this. Is it a good sign? I don't know what to think anymore except, no yoga tonight, because now I need to go home and BD with hubby because I think I ovulated this afternoon...and I'm really scared that the BD we did on Sunday isn't going to be enough. =[

  15. Tionn3

    kiwi / 680 posts

    Changing my POAS date to 11/8 because I think I ovulated today.

    If anyone else needs a change just let me know!

    11/1 - Cole
    11/5 - Peachykeen
    11/6 - Banana330, Snarkybiochemist
    11/8 – Tionn3
    11/11 - Coddergirl
    11/13 - Periwinklebee
    11/16 – JHD
    11/19 – Mzpumpkin, Petitduck, Mrs. J
    11/28 - Mrskansas

  16. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Tionn3: Last cycle I had a positive OPK in the morning and O'd that afternoon, temps jumped the next morning. Good luck getting a BD in!

  17. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Mrs. J: that is a crazy looking chart!

  18. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Tionn3: sounds like ovulation spotting!!!

  19. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Banana330: I know! And now that baby is almost 15 months or I wouldn't believe that chart myself.

  20. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @Banana330: I think I switched from stage 2 to 3 in a split second last night while washing dishes

    I've actually felt more confident about this cycle than I have any of our past ones but I suddenly realized I have NO reason to be so overconfident especially since I have no idea if I even really ovulated! I think the new attitude is probably actually healthier though - no expectations.

    We're going out of town Friday/Saturday so I'm hoping that can help take my mind off it, but I'm not actually set to POAS until Wednesday...

  21. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @peachykeen: I'm definitely heading to stage 3. I felt totally overconfident this cycle too and now i'm doubting myself. Going out of town is great! You'll be soo busy you won't even remember about ttc...

    I've weirdly had AF like cramping for all the days past O so far. I'm 3 dpo... ugh it's going to be a long week.

  22. coddergirl

    coffee bean / 42 posts

    @Tionn3 I had the same bright red spotting in EWCM earlier this week. Never had it before! I've read that ovulation spotting can occur a few days before O. I'm hoping that's what it is. I had brownish spotting for 2 days after that too. This is a weird cycle...

  23. Tionn3

    kiwi / 680 posts

    @coddergirl: I swear I think the weird cycles are from the days getting shorter. Maybe I'll do some research on this today!

  24. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    My temps may be a bit weird but I finally have EWCM!!!! It will be a late O since today is CD22, hopefully that won't matter and we will make a baby. Can't BD too much since we are going on a mini family reunion camping trip over the weekend (22 people in a cabin and sharing a room with my parents, sister and nephews on bunk beds)

  25. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @snarkybiochemist: sneaky sex in the woods?

  26. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @Banana330: Yea not in rainy 40 degree weather. I think I will just have to hope that sunday and today cover my bases

  27. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @snarkybiochemist: well that's terrible timing! But certainly possible!

    I'm 7 dpo so I'm off course stalking pregnancy tests on countdown to pregnancy like a crazy person, although I can't actually convince myself that testing this evening would be worthwhile! Why do people put their rings in pictures? Is it done trick I'm missing?

  28. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Cole: Don't we all do that? Fortunately, I've never been able to figure out how to upload a test onto their site. But, I did find an app to invert pregnancy tests *hangsheadinshame*

  29. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @Cole: Fingers crossed tonight does the trick.

  30. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Cole: I've been doing it too.. although I'm 3dpo so who's crazy now! I love the disclaimer for 3 dpo.. it's essentially these women are crazy.. back away from the tests.

    I think it's to focus on where the line should be, but part of me thinks it's a way of showing off that they are married or have a fancy ring...

  31. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Cole: @Banana330: haha it is to put the test in focus so that you can see the line better. it works....not that i would know....

  32. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    ok I just saw that they have stats on when people get BFP with different brands of tests by dpo... this is very interesting..

  33. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @Banana330: @winniebee: You learn something new everyday! I've struggled with that problem before, that never occurred to me!

    That site is like watching a train wreck, it's so hard to look away!

  34. knittylady

    pomegranate / 3212 posts

    Cycle Day: 1!
    TTC Cycle:2
    Ovulation Date: 11/8??
    POAS Date:11/23
    Baby #:3
    What's up this month: trying to train for a thanksgiving 5k that DHs family does every year.
    For Fun: What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Pie!!

  35. knittylady

    pomegranate / 3212 posts

    Also countdown to pregnancy is my very favorite rabbit hole.

  36. shellio

    pear / 1614 posts

    I was on the Oct boards but I think our timing was not great this month and I'll be rolling over. I'll post my info when AF arrives. It is so frustrating to feel like we didn't even give ourselves a chance this month. My DH goes to bed much later than I do usually, so I keep staying up late to try to initiate, but half the time I fall asleep anyway and then beat myself up for missing out on MORE sleep. Next month I'm determined to BD more frequently! TTC is exhausting

  37. knittylady

    pomegranate / 3212 posts

    @shellio: I felt this way too. DH was on night float this month so our chances were infinitesimal. Frustrating

  38. shellio

    pear / 1614 posts

    @knittylady: Yes - we managed to DTD 3x in what should have been a fertile week but I think my *best* chance is that the last time was 3-4 days before O. Still possible but... I'm just looking ahead. What does your DH do?

  39. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @knittylady: @shellio: Welcome, fx for Nov to be the month.

    I'm somewhat confused about my cycle now. I'm at most on CD 10 (AF was so light for the first couple of days I wasn't sure what was spotting and what was CD 1). Last month I ran out of tests right around ovulation and picked up the only thing they had at CVS, the clear blue advanced test, which measures estrogen as well as LH and is supposed to identify four fertile days. I'd never used that kind before.

    This morning (using the same cup of pee), the CB test was negative, suggesting I'm more than four days away from ovulation. This is what I was expecting, as in nearly a year of tracking I have usually ovulated on CD 15. However, the Wondfo was pretty dark - not quite positive but looked like this afternoon it will be. I always have had a fast fade in with these. I wonder if the clear blue test could be defective, I also didn't get a positive on it last month. Anyone else use these, and have them give inconsistent results?

    I also was not expecting to ovulate so early, but if I do I guess yay for less time to POAS. Anyone have any idea what leads to earlier than normal ovulation? My cycle was the most regular thing ever when I was off birth control waiting to start TTC - even the first month off birth control - but since TTC it has decided to be more unpredictable - why? I got back from a 1.5 week work trip late last night, and just glad that I seem to have made it back just in time...

    We BD this morning, but I had to get up and pee pretty soon after. The internet seems to give conflicting and not very reliable advice on whether it's fine to pee right after BD or whether it reduces your chances if you don't wait at least 20 minutes. Evidence also seems mixed on whether it's bad to BD more than once in a day, probably we'll try again tonight, hopefully it's not the case that sperm count needs more of a chance to recover. I really can't believe I've been reduced to sitting at my desk pondering whether we should DTD after our Friday date night - what is TTC doing to me?

  40. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @snarkybiochemist: This is hilarious (though I would also be super annoyed if it was me!) Is there a bathroom in the cabin? Could you be "brushing your teeth" while your husband "showers"

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