apricot / 308 posts
AF not due for another 5 days but pretty sure sheβs on her way as Iβm experiencing uterine cramping that Iβve been getting pre-period last few cycles since my periods have returned. Boo!!!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Mrs. K: Hi! I hope you've been doing well. I'm sorry that it appears that AF may be on her way. I will keep my fingers crossed π€ that your cramping is not related to an impeding AF, though.
Good luck
and keep me posted.
apricot / 308 posts
@Kaohinani: thank you! Post baby periods are painful! I was very lucky before to only have a couple days of mild cramping but since Iβve had my periods post partum, they have been a whole other story! When do you meet with the new RE?
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Mrs. K: I understand - After my 2 c-sections, my cycles became significantly lighter but with far more intense cramping on my CDs 1 and 2. I blame it on scar tissue, age, and hormones. Periods plain old suck!
Thank you for inquiring about the up-and-coming RE appt. DH and I meet with him on Dec 5th, which, incidentally, is my POAS date for next cycle!
If I do not test with a BFP, hopefully, we will have a feasible TTC plan for testing, scheduling, and some form ART by the end of the appointment. π€
Because I do have 26 day cycles, I can complete another Dec cycle and POAS again on my DS's 4th birthday (31 Dec). I'm hoping he doesn't push Clomid since it did nothing for me.
apricot / 308 posts
@Kaohinani: hopefully youβll get a BFP before the appointment or before needing to start any regimen, then you wonβt need to worry about any of this at all!! I completely understand the anxiety and nervousness about hoping you have a doctor who will listen and find a plan that works for YOU, not just following the protocol they have in front of them. Youβre a smart gal so Iβm sure youβll be able to advocate for yourself well do you know anything about the RE
you will be seeing?
Iβm sitting here having lunch next to a pregnant couple with total bump envy
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Mrs. K: Thank you.
Yes, I do happen to know a little bit about him as I always research my doctors before my initial consultations with them. π€ Our new RE has 40 years of experience in his field. His specialties include Clinical Genetics (* which is what he earned his M.D. in), Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, and Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is quite the Renaissance man of REs and is highly sought after in my area. In fact, his waiting list is 5 mos out for a spot! His office offers surgeries (scar tissue reduction/removal, surgical exams for Endo, fibroid removal, etc.), as well as, all testing for infertility and treatment for infertility (at various stages of ART such as medication, ICI, IUI, IVI, and IVF/FET). His office also offers a loan payment service with a 1.2% rate for more invasive treatments. (I took a pamphlet as I may try to get DH to "consider" a round or two of IVF which is not covered by our insurance and is expensive at his clinic.)
I am hoping to begin with a trigger and either ICI or IUI since DH and I always test "clear" and I ovulate on my own fine with average follicles. I'm thinking my 2 previous c-sections may have mucked up the environment for an ovum to stick ... OR else, for some reason, DH's swimmers may not be making it up where they need to be. In any case, ICI or IUI would better our chances by at least 9%. I'll take it.
I am always a tiny bit jealous around pregnant women. I am extremely happy for them, but, I will admit the tiny green monster gets me every time, especially, when they are toward the latter months.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: kind of related: I was in Walmart today and heard a tiny baby like the little bitty newborn baby cry crying. I saw a young to me but probably not as young as she looks to me Mom with a tiny newborn with a panicked look and I just wanted to hold the baby for her... But that's what gets you the crazy lady status. And my boobs felt like they were going to let down on me
pear / 1610 posts
@Mrs. K: boo! Sorry it seems AF is on her way. Hopefully thatβs not the case though!
@Kaohinani: Sounds like youβve got great info on your RE! I hope that first appointment goes well and you can get a plan in the works, or have a BFP that day and wonβt need a plan!
@Sams Mom: Iβm the same way with the tiny newborns! A friend of mine just had a baby and I somehow have that urge to just snuggle her and yet still the pangs of jealousy.
pear / 1610 posts
As for me... tomorrow is 11 dpo and expected start to AF and Iβm tempted to test again. Canβt decide if Iβd rather just no for sure yes or no tomorrow morning without waiting around all day for AF to show. And Iβm not even sure how consistent my cycle will be now since my D&E. My first cycle was only 27 days which is a little shorter than normal. Someone help me with all the crazy!!!
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@creativemomma15: I always want to test, it eases my mind, even when I βknowβ Iβm out. I guess it just depends on your personality.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@creativemomma15: I agree with @LazB - unless I'm having cramps and pre-AF symptoms and can tell AF is obviously coming, I'd rather take a test and not have to wonder which way things were going.
pea / 9 posts
@creativemomma15: Fingers crossed AF doesn't show and you get a BFP!
I am still waiting to O over here. I thought my OPKs were starting to turn but today was lighter than the last two days. Ugh. trying to stay patient and not freak out about potentially Oing later than normal.
apricot / 308 posts
@Kaohinani: this doctor sounds AMAZING! I think itβs great that youβre taking this step to try to increase your chances! Hopefully you wonβt need his help at all but in the case that you do, it sounds like youβre knocking at the right door
@creativemomma15: thank you π€ it is what it is... but you on the other hand should test! ::chanting:: do it do it!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: Oh, my, I know that feeling! At grocery stores, DH has to reign me back because I'm the creepy friendly lady who wanders over to women with newborns and goes, "Awe, you are so lucky! Your baby is [enter: cute, adorable, very alert, whatever]. As you can see, my two are older (* they are usually shoving each other or filling the cart with items we aren't going to purchase at this point. π€£π) .... I really miss that 'new baby smell.' (* nothing like making a newborn sound like a car, eh?
)" Some moms hold an entire convo bc shopping is their only "out" of the house with their new bundle and they crave adult contact, but others, they look at me as if to state, "Crazy lady, I've got a taser somewhere in this diaper bag and, if I could reach it, you'd be toast!" At some point, DH corrals me back to our carriage and my two "older models of spawn" and I'm left longing to hold a baby ... then I see another one. The cycle starts again.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@creativemomma15: Thank you. I REALLY try to research all of my physicians and educate myself on all possible procedures they may afford me to. I really hate getting there and drawing a blank and then feeling as though it had been a wasted visit when there could have been so much more to explore.
AFY, statiscally, the best times to test are (1) the day of your expected AF, (2) the day AFTER, (3) and a week after if you still haven't gotten your AF or a pos HPT after the 1st 2 tests. This stands true whether you use a 5.6 miu, a 10 miu, or a 25 MIU test strip ... by 7 days post estimated AF DD, any will either be a definitive pos or negative (* unless you are that 2% with either too much Prolactin OR the a protein in your urine that metabolizes HCG and makes it so you never pop a BFP on a test.) From here, it is up to you. HPT testing is personal. Would you rather chance seeing AF or a BFN first? What (statistically) are your chances for a BFP this month? If you don't mind the BFN but you think your chances for a BFP are decent, go for it. . . If a BFN would bother you (or you have anxiety like me) and your BD-ing was less than what you'd hoped for (even one time around OV is good), then wait it out. It is your choice. Of course, I'd like to see a stick, but not if it will stress someone out.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Mrs. K: Thank you. I'm hoping he is the right physician for DH and I. Actually, I'm hoping we don't need him, but, if this cycle fails, I hope he can do right by us and help us out.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Lily334: I'll cross my fingers π€ for a good strong OV soon as well.
pear / 1610 posts
@LAZB: @yellowbeach: Ok, so I am more like you guys, I like to know what's coming and not have to wonder.
@Lily334: @Mrs. K: Thanks for the testing encouragement.
@Kaohinani: I love your in depth answers!!! I should do much more research with Drs... I always draw a blank in appointments.
AFM: No exciting news here. I tested and got a BFN. Yesterday I didn't really expect a positive this month but then last night I had a dream that I was pregnant so I was a little hopeful. We had great timing with BD the day before, of and after O but no luck.
In other news, I need some advice... If we decide to TTC this next cycle we will definitely miss a big family vacation with my ILs (SIL family, BIL family, MIL & FIL). Our due date would be the week after vacation and I deliver early. We go on this trip every other year and my MIL basically said the vacation dates are not adjustable and if we can't go then they'll be disappointed but fine. I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to skip a month of TTC but I also don't want to deal with the comments that BIL and SIL will definitely make if we get pregnant and can't go on the trip. BIL already told me after my miscarriage that I can't get pregnant now and ruin vacation. I don't know what to do. We are torn on it. My older kids will be devastated to not go on the vacation as this is something they look forward to every time. But they would be excited for a baby. Ugh. Any advice from some fellow TTC-ers??? And thanks if you got through my ramblings!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@creativemomma15: I adore your rambling! Are you positive we are not related? Lol. I JUST went through a similar situation with DH's family and our Thanksgiving trip. When discussing it with him, I broke it down as follows: (1) we always put everyone first, especially his parents... when can we put our fertility needs first?, (2) we have been trying nearly 3 years and this will [possibly] be the last unassisted cycle before ART which may have restrictions, and finally, (3) I ask for so little in our marriage (no gifts, very few expectations, blah, blah, blah ...). DH knows that his parents are supportive of us but his siblings are not. He opted to tell them that he could not get off from work (which is 1/2 true since he is the boss on a worksite which will still be open and working on a multimillion $ project during the holiday week ... but he could elect a 2nd in charge for a 3-day if need be.). Anyway, his family is looking to plan next Thanksgiving as part of a vacation retreat and wants to know if we will participate, especially since we just cancelled this year. If I have a newborn, IDK. We will see. π€·ββοΈ
pear / 1610 posts
@Kaohinani: Lol! I love it! I'm glad you were able to work it out with your DH for skipping the Thanksgiving trip! I'm glad that part seems to have worked out. That's hard to make a decision on next year already! Hopefully you'll have a newborn in your arms then Not that that makes a decision on a future family trip next year any easier for you!
I just don't know what to do. In my head I know that it's not like skipping this one month will make us lose our chance at a pregnancy for the future. But it is hard not to feel that way. What if this was our month and we skip just for a vacation! Isn't the bigger picture of a baby worth it? But I just hear my BIL in the back of my head.... "You just had to go and get pregnant! Vacation is ruined". It's hard because they all can clearly assume and know that we are trying again. I mean they all knew we were pregnant before our miscarriage and that's part of why we chose a larger house for the vacation this year. UGH! I love the vacation with them and I love my ILs but I really want a baby. I just wish I could know what would happen.
ETA: It doesn't help that I've been very open and honest with my mom about this and she has said that if this was vacation with my family they would say screw vacation, get pregnant instead.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@creativemomma15: As a fellow TTC-er who is unbelievably logical but also feels that there is a place for emotion, I say, rationalize all you want on this but it will just bring you back to what the heart wants. At some point, you should discuss it with DH and share all of your concerns (both rational and emotional). For DH and I, the emotional concerns and consequences won out ... for you, it may go either way as you truly seem torn. Take a bit of time (a day or two) and weigh it out ... How much does a month mean to you? How old are you? (I'm nearly 39 so my clock is ticking and each month is precious.) Would a vacation "refresh" you and DH or set you back in regards to your TTC efforts? Is this more important to you than DH? (Would he rather spend time with established family over trying to expand his immediate family?) Take all of these questions into consideration and then weigh them against what is in your heart to do. That is my only advice in this instance. I hope it is atleast a bit helpful. Please know that we hope to see you on the December board but all of us back any decision you make.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
*AKA - "NOVEMBER'S Dogs, Babies, Charts, and Sticks ... and random stuff."
β’ LAZB: 11/2-ish
β’ Megpie: 11/5 -
β’ Petitduck: 11/5
β’ Paranundrum: 11/5
β’ Kaohinani: 11/12
β’ Clementine12: 11/12
β’ CreativeMomma15: 11/15
β’ Mrs. K: 11/17
β’ Bananasareyellow: 11/21
β’ Cyoung: 11/25
β’ Sams Mom: 11/28
β’ Lily334: 11/30
β’ Lioness21: TBD
Best of luck to all this month!
ββοΈAmazingly Supportive Cheerleaders for November:
β’ Yellowbeach
β’ Mamabear87
β’ SupernovaJ
β’ QBbride
* We, also, NOW have a
up and running, thanks to Sams Mom:
nectarine / 2648 posts
@creativemomma15: If it were me - I would try this month (for all the reasons you listed) and just let the "fertility gods" see what they are going to deal you. If you get a then no stress on your trip. If you get a
then congrats to you and celebrate, especially after all you've been through with a MC. Just my $0.02 (but full disclosure I'm also coming at this from a perspective of infertility and having wished we hadn't skipped so many cycles)
cherry / 146 posts
Finally got my positive opk! Should o tonight or tomorrow, which pushes my poas date to November 25th.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@bananasareyellow: Ok, awesome! I will change that POAS date for you.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
*AKA - "NOVEMBER'S Dogs, Babies, Charts, and Sticks ... and random stuff."
β’ LAZB: 11/2-ish
β’ Megpie: 11/5 -
β’ Petitduck: 11/5
β’ Paranundrum: 11/5
β’ Kaohinani: 11/12
β’ Clementine12: 11/12
β’ CreativeMomma15: 11/15
β’ Mrs. K: 11/17
β’ Bananasareyellow: 11/25
β’ Cyoung: 11/25
β’ Sams Mom: 11/28
β’ Lily334: 11/30
β’ Lioness21: TBD
Best of luck to all this month!
ββοΈAmazingly Supportive Cheerleaders for November:
β’ Yellowbeach
β’ Mamabear87
β’ SupernovaJ
β’ QBbride
* We, also, NOW have a
up and running, thanks to Sams Mom:
pea / 9 posts
Happy Friday ladies!
I think I just needed to vocalize my frustrations regarding not ovulating because last night and this morning I had some pretty positive looking OPKs! We BD'd both last night and again this morning. Do you think we should again tonight? Or wait until tomorrow? Up until yesterday we were doing EOD.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Lily334: Happy Friday to you as well! Those are fantastic lines!
As far as BD-ing goes, if you feel a bit randy and want a second tryst tonight, go for it. . . Otherwise, another round tomorrow should suffice. Happy Babymaking!
kiwi / 624 posts
Iβm going for a new poas date of 30th. If I make it without af. Unlikely. I expect it next friday since Iβm probably Oing today.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Petitduck: Good morning!
I will mark it for you ASAP. Keep me updated ... I'm hoping for you BFP.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
*AKA - "NOVEMBER'S Dogs, Babies, Charts, and Sticks ... and random stuff."
β’ LAZB: 11/2-ish
β’ Megpie: 11/5 -
β’ Petitduck: 11/5
β’ Paranundrum: 11/5
β’ Kaohinani: 11/12
β’ Clementine12: 11/12
β’ CreativeMomma15: 11/15
β’ Mrs. K: 11/17
β’ Bananasareyellow: 11/25
β’ Cyoung: 11/25
β’ Sams Mom: 11/28
β’ Lily334: 11/30
β’ Petitduck: 11/30
β’ Lioness21: TBD
Best of luck to all this month!
ββοΈAmazingly Supportive Cheerleaders for November:
β’ Yellowbeach
β’ Mamabear87
β’ SupernovaJ
β’ QBbride
* We, also, NOW have a
up and running, thanks to Sams Mom:
kiwi / 624 posts
@Kaohinani: thank you! Two tries for November. Not sure thatβs very excellent. Sigh. Bd also wasnβt on stellar timing with only the night before the unexpected and blazing positive opk, but it canβt be helped.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Petitduck: Once before OV is better than 5 or 6 days before OV or 2 days after SOOOOOO, you still have a great chance. (* You already know my DD was a one-time interlude around OV before DH went off to a month-long training session.) Keep positive.
kiwi / 624 posts
@Kaohinani: Iβll take it! I have been feeling way more positive this month actually which is nice.
apricot / 469 posts
Hey guys! I've been just relaxing this cycle. I'm 6 dpo! Fingers crossed the magic happens this cycle. It turned out my "positive" tests where just a weird hormonal thing. I ovulate CD 16 which is ealry for me! I hope everyone has been well
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@cyoung: It is so wonderful to hear that you are back on track. F'x for something good this cycle.
apricot / 308 posts
AF is now one day late (according to my period predictor app but my cycles havenβt been starting and ending on the dot yet like they used to before DS) and Iβm dying to POAS to figure out if itβs just my body being funny post baby or if thereβs more going on. Going to target to get a FRER today... should I just chug tons of water and then pee on it at that store?!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Mrs. K: I'm hoping for your BFP! Just remember, if you drink a lot, you need at least a 2 hour "hold" for your urine not to be too diluted where you receive a false negative ... Besides, you may not want to chug too much, we don't want you exploding!
My fingers are crossed π€ for you!!!
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