So, I'm a nurse at the hospital, and we are required to work every other holiday to be fair. There are only 4 of us that work in our unit, so there are 2 RN's that work together per day and we alternate holidays worked every year so no one works the same holiday every year. Well, we have this one co-worker who is always difficult to get along with when it comes to working holidays and feels she in entitled to have what she wants off when she wants it off. One of the holidays she is particularly difficult over is July 4th.

Well, my holiday to work this year is Memorial Day and her's in July 4th (I worked July 4th last year). Well, most likely I will be on maternity leave Memorial Day, so she has *volunteered* to work memorial day, and has written in on the schedule that July 4th is her holiday off because she is working memorial day. No one asked her to work it, she volunteered for the sole purpose of having July 4th off.

I usually don't really care about July 4th, but it will be baby's first real holiday with a family get together, and I'd like to be there and I feel like it is still my holiday off this year. I don't want to make a big deal out of nothing, but I feel like she's being really pushy and manipulative. Her reasoning for wanting it off every year is because of a family cook-out. Well, we all have families and we all take our turns missing out on the get togethers, and I don't see why she should think she doesn't have to do that. Am I wrong to expect her to work it, and me have it off? What's your opinion on it?

Sorry so long! Thanks if you read it all