Ugh! I am feeling so defeated about nursing and pumping and I need some encouragement! After dealing with tongue tie and latch issues at the start, I was able to establish nursing and felt that things were going well...until now!
LO is 3 months old and this is my third week back at work. Here is what is happening:
-I got mastitis the weekend before I started work and was miserable
-it seems like that affected my supply because I am not getting good output pumping at work in spite of pumping once a day on leave so I am already using freezer milk
-this past weekend I got a cracked nipple so latching is super painful on one side
-just now I woke up due to serious pain on one side and pumped just to get the engorgement out
-LO woke up an hour later and is nursing now so my breast feels better but I don't want to start a pattern of pumping every night
Advice? Commiseration? Words of encouragement?