We are planning a trip to NYC with our two kids who will be 1 and 7 at the time of travel. It will be early in the week before Christmas to catch the holiday displays and festivities.
I am looking for hotel recommendations in case I'm missing a gem while searching online. Ideally we would be able to find a suite with a separate bedroom. If not that then a mini fridge is a must for milk/snacks. Looking at a budget of between 200-400/night average and would like to be in Manhattan.
I already found a good deal on a 1-br suite at the Hilton Millenium downtown near the WTC, but it would be nice to be closer to midtown I just don't know if it's possible. Any locals able to chime in on what that transport time might be like between the Cortlandt/Fulton st. stops and midtown or UWS/UES? This may be a super generic question I realize but figured there might be some generic answers
Other tips for travel to NYC with kids these ages during winter are welcome We're planning to babywear the 1 yr old as much as possible and are thinking of getting a scooter for the 7 yr old so we can avoid a stroller altogether but we'll see!