Hellobee Boards


Once you reach your ideal family size, what will you use for birth control?

  1. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    We are still discussing this. I want DH to get a vasectomy but the thought terrifies him, so I'm debating between going back on pills forever (blegh) or getting an IUD.

  2. matador84

    papaya / 10560 posts

    natural family planning.

  3. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    I think it really depends on what my cycles are like once they're back after baby. If they are dependable enough that charting/NFP will work, then I'm all for it. If they're as ridiculous as they were before getting pregnant, we'll have to discuss other methods.

  4. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    I'll probably go back on birth control pills since they really helped with my PCOS symptoms as well, but we'll likely eventually discuss him getting a vasectomy as well.

  5. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    NFP/charting. I don't like the idea of permanent birth control and had terrible reactions to hormonal birth control.

  6. SweetMamaM

    pear / 1743 posts

    Condoms, although I'd be open to investigating an IUD. I don't know much about it. Once we were absolutely sure, we'd look at vasectomy.

  7. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    Vasectomy or condoms.

  8. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts


  9. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    I have a paragard iud now after our first kid and plan to get it again after our 2nd if we have a 2nd. It's good for 10 years so assuming I'm 35 when we have our 2nd (we want to wait a couple years to try), I'll be 45 when it comes out.

  10. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    I am going to talk to my doctor about an IUD till we are ready to try for #2. Then DH will get a vasectomy.


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