Were molars harder for your baby than the other teeth?

Sadie cut eight teeth in about a month and a half around 6m, and it didn't effect her much. She would have random fussy nighttime wake ups, but no other symptoms or issues. No daytime fussiness, loss of appetite, or fevers.

Last night Sadie woke from her nap with a high fever and very upset. With Tylenol, her fever was down to 100 before bed, but she was up every hour during the night. Her temp was 99.3 at 6am, and now no fever, and she is acting normal with the exception of a slightly lessened appetite. It was sudden and random, and no other sick symptoms.

Last night I was thinking she was sick, but the quick recovery & lack of other symptoms has me thinking maybe molars...? I'm not sure though, since teething hasn't had this effect before!
