Oh Bees. I dreaded the day when I would have to seek you out for sleep training advice but here I am. LO is 4.5 months old (4 months age adjusted) and is a total beast to get to sleep at night. It usually takes me 2 hours (with a LOT of crying, almost nonstop). I have tried shifting the timing so that he's not overtired, within the two hour window of wakefulness, etc. I used to get him to sleep by rocking and nursing but that just doesn't work anymore (we never mastered the drowsy but awake thing). He always wakes right back up after I put him in the crib. My new nanny stayed late to help me, and I think he was the worst she'd seen in her 19 years of raising 9 infants. I am thinking of sleep training him with Ferber checks since he is crying so much anyway even though I originally thought we'd wait until 6 months.

Anyway, I am okay with letting him cry for several intervals, but when you sleep trained did you have an overall limit on how much you'd let them cry? I just am afraid he is going to go 2-3 hours with checks, and I am not sure I could handle that. Does that mean I am just not ready to sleep train?