I'm dyin'.
Some good nights (one a week?) otherwise am up 3, 4, 5 to 10+ time a night (10+ last night, I laid a pillow on floor in her room and just laid there at one point)
Before it was just pop the paci back in and go back to bed til next time. She's found her hands (more her hands have found her paci) and she takes it out, but can't put it back in. And now she's rolling, a rolling machine, do we let her sleep on her belly (she will) or move her back? So it went from one reason to put paci in (just falling out sometime in night) to her taking it out sometimes too and now it rolling out when she rolls.
I love her, but man I am tired today.
I want to try CIO. DH will likely be opposed and I'm just not sure where to start or if there is a middle ground between paci and CIO? She feeds once (sometimes twice) in the night, and I have no issue aaaaat all with 1-2 times a night waking for food.
She is 4.5 months.