Two weeks ago we ditched the paci. My 2.5 year old was totally on board. She was thrilled to become a big girl. She hasn't asked for it once since I threw it away. She has handled it well.
But, her sleep has completely gone to hell. She was sleeping 8:30-8:30, and taking a 2.5 hour nap every day. She went right to bed without much protesting and slept all night. Since we've gotten rid of the paci she has only taken 3 naps (in 2 weeks), and has been going to sleep at 11-12 every night after hours of crying, protesting, tossing/turning. I have to go in her room over and over. She's also waking up in the middle of the night unable to get back to sleep like a newborn. It's exhausting. She has been grumpy. And, honestly, so have I. Toddler sleep is so important to their development, so I know she needs to be getting more.
I know that not having the paci anymore is a big transition--she's had it everyday of her life!--so I expect it to be hard on her. I want to be sensitive to that, but neither of us are getting enough sleep and I am losing my patience. I thought it would've gotten even a little easier/better by now.
So, I'm thinking of giving it back until she seems more ready to let it go. My husband doesn't want to go back, but he's not the one with her all day after she doesn't sleep!
If you were in my shoes-- would you give it back for the sake of her sleep? Or would you just wait it out and pray it gets better sooner?
Also-- any advice/commiseration?