So Ellie has a new para. But the new para isn't up to working her full week just yet, and is being trained in by another school employee (floating para) who has worked with Ellie before. This other employee isn't a bad person, but she doesn't know what to do when Ellie gets upset. Yesterday Ellie came home and said that the para had backed her against the wall, got in her face, and yelled at her to, "Get over it." For Ellie, having people intrude into her personal space is really uncomfortable, and then to have the person yell... We just don't quite know what to do. I know this para from when I used to substitute at the school, so I am confident that Ellie isn't exaggerating about her behavior. I had Mr. T call the school this morning to speak to the principal, and we tried to approach it from a, "Here are some ideas that might work more effectively if Ellie is upset," perspective rather than a, "Don't you EVER, EVER yell at my child when she is trying to calm down and do the right thing," perspective, but we are nervous that it will backfire. I guess what I'm looking for here is whether anyone has some tactful ideas for handling this. This lady will be Ellie's primary para any time her regular one quits or has to take a day off, or whatever, and she will be training any and all new paras Ellie gets in the future. So we need to figure out a way to work with her. Unfortunately, my gut says I don't think she cares to learn better practices and I just don't want her near Ellie (for both their sakes, honestly).