I really am such a unsure mother!

At the beginning we had feeding issues which propelled us to supplement.

I'm still convinced I'm just not producing enough breast milk for her. I'm trying to pump but without her nursing I literally get droplets. I don't know how I'm going to build up a stash before going back to work in 2 weeks. We supplement with formula and she hates it!! She literally whimpers through a feeding. But when I give her breast milk in a bottle she guzzles it. We have tried switching formula recently and it didn't really change.

She does a lot of inconsolable crying for HOURS so I thought it was gassiness. Looked up the symptoms and she has them! Called my ped and talked to a nurse and they reco'd mylicon drops. Worked great over the weekend and now we're back to inconsolable crying. I thought maybe it was something I ate so I scrutinized everything I eat.
I start thinking if she's colicky. She'll be 4 weeks on Saturday so it's the right time frame. She cries inconsolably for hours and typically at the end of day. Diaper changed, fed, burped and still cries. And of course because of our prior feeding issue I always think maybe she's hungry but when I offer even boob she doesn't take it. Which almost always help a crying fit.

Saturday & Sunday night she slept like a champ. Decent naps throughout the day then sleeping for 12hrs waking only to nurse.
Then Monday & Tuesday it all went to hell. Shell wake up around 9 fuss/cry till 1am then sleep for 3 hrs. Then wake up every hr. maybe she's not eating enough? But she pulls from the boob!

Is my baby colicky? Going through a growth spurt? Or just a baby? Please tell me I'm not the only one who's baby is being so fussy??

Do I just need to chill?! I can't help it but I do want to take her to the peds. But I don't want to be one of those that take her in all the time to find out she's just a fussy baby.