What's your recent parenting struggle?
DS- Not listening. I feel bad but we are having to be more strict with disciplining him because he is not listening at all.
DD- Throwing food.
What's your recent parenting struggle?
DS- Not listening. I feel bad but we are having to be more strict with disciplining him because he is not listening at all.
DD- Throwing food.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
DS1 - not sitting down for dinner.
DS2 - night waking still at 10 months.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
E-not getting dressed in the mornings/tantrums. Also YES with the not eating dinner thing, ugh!
T-hit and miss sleeping
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
DD1- definitely struggling with listening/obedience
DD2- not sleeping. I did everything in my power to keep us from having sleep issues with her and yet, here we are. Guess it's just par for the course
apricot / 428 posts
dd- definitely not listening! i am struggling with having two on my hands so we are letting things slip here and there with her and the beast of that situation is starting to rear its ugly. head. she's getting mouthy and very picky and even bossy. yikes!
ds- i'm not an advocate for the CIO method but we are very slowly trying to get him to self soothe. big emphasis on slowly! it's not easy but we're seeing results.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
@Smurfette: I'm starting to think this is an age thing. It seems like EVERY 2.5 yea old i know is doing. E refuses her dinner, then wants something else later, I refuse and re-offer dinner, she tantrums, and eventually goes to bed with a cup of milk in he stomach.
pomelo / 5298 posts
DD1 - listening and obedience, always
DD2 - listening. I kid, she just thinks it's funny to get into everything.
pomelo / 5660 posts
@blackbird: My son is 3 and he struggles eating dinner too and then when I tell him it's time for bed he then says he's hungry. Too late kid.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
He's in this very stubborn "I can do it" phase, which would be okay but he freaks the eff out if he doesn't get to do something (like opening a door, turning off/on a light, going first down the stairs...) It's a HUGE patience drainer for me.
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
getting into the stroller when we're leaving daycare! she wants to "walk!" but it's not safe and would take foreverrrrr to get home. I wrote a post about it a little while ago because it's such a struggle.
kiwi / 641 posts
DD (3yrs)-- not listening, getting out of bed a million times before going to sleep
DS (2 months)- lack of sleep but nothing out of the norm for his age!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
DS1 3 next month - listening and obedience (overuse of "NO!")
DS2 3 months today - nothing at the moment!
admin / watermelon / 14210 posts
Olive - not listening
Charlie - cannot resist when Olive is being naughty and joins in her shenanigans.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
@BandDmommy: yep, drives me batty. She'll holler out all the things she WILL eat, though. Doesn't work that way, though!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
DD1: bedtime, she refuses to go down and throws an epic meltdown every. single. night. Last night I thought our neighbors would call the cops on us (windows open) because she was screaming so loud about not wanting to lay in her bed. We finally gave in like usual because she was so upset.
DD2: nothing really, she so badly wants to crawl & sit. I wish she would start doing both so she stops getting so frustrated with herself
coconut / 8861 posts
E-bedtime drama from calming down to following the routine. Some nights are easier than others.
J-sleep and teething
clementine / 830 posts
Almost 3 year old - not listening, not napping, not sttn
19 months - amazing and adorable most of the time, but can be clingy
grapefruit / 4066 posts
DD (3 yrs)- not listening at all, testing boundaries, not getting dressed in morning, fighting going to bed.
pomegranate / 3604 posts
Both boys: sharing, now that lo2 can throw a mini tantrum (and does, holy crap. I don't remember lo1 starting tantrums this early ).
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@blackbird: @BandDmommy: She says she isn't hungry/doesn't want to eat, then after playing awhile will ask for something else, mostly a snack (all she wants to eat), and I say no, you can eat your dinner at the table. I not hungry Mommy. Urg!
GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts
DD1 - 3.5 yrs - Trouble with hitting/yelling at daycare, and taking things from her sister at home.
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@winniebee: Do we have the same boys?
DS1 (28 months) - dinnertime battles (not sitting, not eating, throwing etc.,)
DS2 (13 months) - nighttime wake ups. Trying CIO and night weaning for the billionth time.
pomelo / 5000 posts
@Mrs. Bee: when you phrase it like that, it almost sounds cute!
My baby is 8 months, so I'll join the "sleep stinks" gang and add clipping fingernails to the list. I've tried distracting her with no luck, and waited until she fell asleep last night to clip them--it almost woke her up, and since struggle #1 is sleep, I put the clippers away pretty quickly.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
Dd1 (2yo) - Claws at your face when she is overtired. Thinks it's funny and no amount of stern voice/punishment/time outs work to curb the behaviour.
DD2 (2 weeks old)- coughs during every feeding - I'm worried she is going to develop reflux
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
My 3 year old... The back talking. Ohhhh the back talking.
My 9 month old... Sleep!!
kiwi / 584 posts
4 year old- listening, now that he has a baby brother he wants to be carried everywhere and has excuses for not doing things
4 month old- SLEEP... he doesn't sleep .. everrrrrr... sleep training here we come
coconut / 8483 posts
Not eating! He has a really filling smoothie for breakfast so I know he gets some good stuff. But lunch and dinner he has like 1 bite. And already today he has said: cracker? Cookie? Chip? Fishie? No way kid!
pomegranate / 3398 posts
Littlest A (2.5) Throwing things for no real reason, has started saying No - these are among her new favs
Middle A (8.5) Not listening and not doing well in school
Oldest A (12.5) is almost a teenager so take your pick....
All while DH is out of town...for at least 2 more weeks.
pineapple / 12793 posts
DD1 2.75 likes to make "lotion" with her saliva and then wants to rub it on me. So gross.
She's also trying to drop her nap but will then pass out at 4:30. I need her to keep her nap for another year at least!
DD2 9 months is easy right now.
grapefruit / 4085 posts
Almost 3 - listening and napping (today is her first in a week) but when she doesn't nap, she's terribly cranky and dosing off at 4:30. "I not sleepy" Then why were you falling asleep on me before going in?
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