So we're in a double daycare payment situation right now and will be for at least another 1.5 years. Things are TIGHT!! I'm thankful that the money I bring in covers more than the daycare payments but things are seriously tight. I keep hearing cautionary things like "yeah, when they're in school you don't have to pay for daycare, BUT..." and people rattle off all the different expenses... before/after school care, summer camp, all the different sports and activities the kids do, all the clothes and things they need.

But seriously. It can't be even close to double daycare payments... right??? I think about how much we pay monthly and if that went away, we'd be SWIMMING IN IT!! And I was just talking to an acquaintance whose kids are 5 and 7, and he's like "we go on a big crazy vacation every year now!"

Please tell me I have some loosening of these financial reins coming... sometime... even in the far future!!