Hellobee Boards


Paying A Date Night Sitter

  1. mrbee

    admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts

    @banana: We usually keep it pretty casual at first! Like we'd head over to the playground after daycare, and invite a daycare friend to join us. After a few impromptu playdates a lot those lines, it would feel pretty natural to invite them to a weekend playdate!

  2. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    Well our usual sitter has been paid as little as $8 to watch multiple kids alllll day by other family members so I feel pretty good about the minimum wage ballpark.

  3. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Well, I think it depends on the experience of the sitter. The going rate for young mom with kids and babysitting experience is $15/hr. I like her, she's trusted, and so I pay that rate. I'd never left LO with anyone other than family so even though I put LO to bed the first time she babysat, I still paid her $15/hr.

    For a HS kid who's not putting LO to bed, I'd pay $10/hr. I have no idea what minimum wage is here.

    I feel like minimum wage is just the minimum you should pay someone who is staying in your house with your baby, if that is the sitter's going rate.

  4. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @mediagirl: aaah, but that $20 for 2 hours out of the house and an actual date without the kiddo is just so worth it.

  5. mrs. bird

    bananas / 9628 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: what about for hours when you're sleeping? if you had them for a long weekend or a vacation week while the parents were away, would you expect to be paid the full rate round the clock for the duration of their trip, even while you slept? i do a lower rate then, because while sometimes i get woken up, for the most part i sleep and i feel a little crazy asking to be paid my full rate when both the children & myself are asleep for 11hrs. i usually go down to $10/hr for those hours & my reg rate for the other 13hrs of the day, but only if it's an extended trip.

    for evenings, i get paid my full rate. if someone tried to negotiate me down, i just wouldn't wouldn't be available to them and feel pretty insulted that they thought so little of my time. but i'm an adult and i make a living as a nanny, so it's not just pocket change to me. i think minimum wage for a teenager is very fair.

  6. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @mrs. bird: oh good point. I think it would be a lesser rate for a full wknd if you are there or you could negotiate a flat rate.

  7. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @mrs. bird: for one job I was salary, so it was flat rate all the time. Another job where I was hourly we negotiated a flat rate for the weekend.

    I do think overnights vs just evenings are separate scenarios to negotiate.

  8. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    I would pay the minimum wage (and probably think it was a steal). If I were entrusting the safety of my LO and for my own peace of mind, I'd want to have a reliable, competent, and HAPPY sitter. Especially if I wanted repeat services. I think negotiating in this kind of situation could lead to the sitter being insulted. And I would want any sub-par care for my LO.

  9. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    I don't think I could pay anyone minimum wage around here to watch my kiddo unless it was a high schooler. We try to have friends watch her, who volunteer too, but we haven't done something regularly. If that was the case, I would try to line up friends, and some responsible high schoolers to keep my peace of mind. Even then, I think $10/hr would be standard.


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